One-hundred and forty

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"Earth to George!"

I looked at Fred as she waved his hand in front of my face. I didn't reply. I simply cocked an eyebrow in a way to ask what he wanted from me.

"Can I borrow your wand, please?"

My eyes flicked to the two wands in his hands. One was Allie's. He asked her for hers only two minutes ago before Ron had led her upstairs to show her something.


"I need to prove to Charlie how long my dick is."

"And your dick is the length of three wands?" I rolled my eyes before I pulled my own wand out and handed it to him.

"Oh... by the way. I need you to go get something for me." Fred told me. "I need one of the extendable ears from my trunk. Can you go get it?"

"Your trunk?" I asked. "No... I'm not going up there while she's in there."

Fred raised an eyebrow at me.

"Ron took Allie to the third floor to talk to her about Umbridge... our room is empty right now."

I winced at the mention of her name. It hurt to hear but it hurt even more to say, so I hadn't mentioned her directly since I was freed from the curse.

"Please, Georgie." Fred pouted. "I really thing I have some ideas to improve it but I'm too lazy to walk all the way up the stairs."

"Just go get the ear, George." Bill told me. "I can't stand having Fred complain about it for ten minutes straight."

I sighed and got out of the chair, shoving Fred on my way to the stairs. I walked up, mentally reminding myself to push Fred off the astronomy tower when we got back to school.

I walked into the room but stopped when I saw my younger brother and her. Both looked up at me, but I quickly looked away when her eyes met mine.

I'll kill Fred.

I turned around to leave, but Ron's voice stopped me.

"Wait! I need to– George, I need to ask a question." Ron said and walked around me, looking at me with his back turned to the door. He went to open his mouth, but at the same time, he grabbed the door handle.

I reacted by running towards my brother to grab onto him, but he closed and locked the door right in my face.

"You little shit!" I yelled, banging my hand against the door. "Open the door, Ronald!"

Though Ron didn't respond, so I sighed and took a step back, running my hand into my hair when I realised Fred had my wand and also hers.

I didn't dare to turn around. It was easier if I didn't look at her. It would be too hurtful and I was scared that I'd forget everything and get with her again, once I saw her big brown eyes stare up at me.

I can't just forget what I did to her.


I leaned against the wall, arms folded over my chest. I looked out of the window, not wanting to look at George. He didn't look at me either. All I could see was his back.

"I uh–" I tried to say something but I was basically improvising. "...are you okay?"

He didn't respond.

I spread my legs a little and folded my hands between him, staring down at the floor. I couldn't believe we fell for this again.

My head was full of thoughts. Mostly trying to figure out what he was thinking. I didn't want to cross his boundaries by continuously asking him about it, but I just needed some sort of answers, and being told by Marco that George didn't want to see me, wasn't exactly nice.

I'd rather have heard it from George himself so I could've gotten some sort of context. I just didn't feel like I had a right to ask him about it so I was struggling with that decision in my head.

"George, please." the words just slipped from my mouth as I looked at him again. He tensed up but turned his head a little as if to show he was listening. "I'm begging you. I just need to hear your voice."

By this point, I was almost desperate. Being in a room with him was difficult and I really did just want to hear his voice. I think that would be enough for me.

"I don't know if I did anything." I said. "If I did, I'm really sorry. All I did was want to help you. I felt so helpless during the entire situation so I can only imagine what you went through. All I want is to know if you're okay."

I heard him sigh.

"That's the thing." his voice made me concentrate a little more on him. "I'm not okay."

My eyebrows fell into a small frown and I brought my hands up to cover my face as I tried my best not to cry. Hearing him say that he wasn't okay, was like stabbing me in the heart. It hurt, knowing that he was hurting.

"I can't–" he sighed. "...I can't be with you, Allie... because I can't get your face out of my head when I pushed you to the ground and called you those things. I can't stop seeing your face of pure terror as you stared at my eyes. It–"

He slowly turned around, his eyes closed as he gulped.

"It haunts me."


"I'm not mad at you if that's what you think." he continued, opening hiss eyes to look at me. "But I did everything I promised you I wouldn't do."

"You were–"

"Cursed! Yeah I know!" he raised his voice. "But I was too weak to fight against it. I kept trying but it didn't work."

I wiped my cheeks as I looked down at the floor, now understanding exactly why he didn't want to see me. He was feeling guilty.

"You're not weak." I said and looked at him again. "Fighting a curse like that is the same as fighting legilimency. You need to be trained to do that so no one is blaming you for what happened."

"I do." he shook his head. "I remember when she said the spell. I was scared out of my mind but only because I knew she would use it to get to you. When she then ordered me to be her boyfriend and hate you – it felt like being locked up. It felt like I was this tiny person sitting behind my eyes, watching my body do all of these things to you while having no control over it. Hearing this voice tell me to do those things and trying to fight it but... I couldn't."

I could feel a tear make its way down my cheek and I stepped towards George, wanting nothing but to hug him and tell him it wasn't his fault, but he stepped away from me, wrapping his arms around himself.

"That's why I can't be with you anymore." he said. "Because you don't deserve those memories. No matter if it was controlled or not, you will never be able to let go of those things I called you. It'll always sit in the back of your head and you'll never be fully comfortable with me again."

I was now full-on crying, my vision getting blurry as I realised what was happening. George was officially breaking up with me.

"Please don't do this."

"I'm sorry." he said and made a face of pure pain. "But she's locked up now so we can both move on with our school life individually. We're in different houses and we only share Transfiguration and Astronomy so avoiding each other should be easy."


"You can keep my clothes if you'd like." he shrugged. "And you can keep the ring. It was meant for my future wife and that's what I saw you as from the start, but things don't always work out the way you plan them."

He chuckled through the tears that started to fill his eyes.

"I'm so sorry that I hurt you, Allie."


He didn't respond. The door was unlocked, revealing both Ron and Fred.

"Did you make up?" Fred asked, through his face dropped when he saw our expressions.

George took a last glance at me, and then he walked out of the room, leaving me crying in front of Fred and Ron.


Currently trying not to cry.

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