One-hundred and thirty-four

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Mention of rape and sexual assault

"She fucking touched him." I cried while trying to stay calm as Timothy cleaned up my face while Marco was pacing back and forth, crackling his knuckles.

After a talk with Flitwick, fifty house points was taken from Ravenclaw and I lost my head girl badge but I didn't care.

That was the least of my worries.

If what Carrington said was true, that meant she had—

I wanted to throw up at the thought.

He's under her control — obviously not capable of consenting to sex.

"Fuck." I cursed. "Why didn't I look at my ring? I should've looked at my ring! She can't have done that to him. This wasn't supposed to happen for fuck sake. George doesn't— I can't believe she hurt him. She can't have, right? She has to be lying just to get under my skin."

"Can you sit still for a moment?" Timothy asked. "I'm almost finished."

I took a deep breath but stilled while he ran the wet cloth over my skin.

"Marco." I called out, my bottom lip trembling. He turned to look at me, then sighed while approaching. "Please... we need to do something. We need to get her to confess."

"We will." He assured me. "Fred, Lee and I are gonna make some Veritaserum and we're gonna get her to drink it somehow."

That didn't happen. We all tried but it was like she always a step ahead of us, knowing when it was safe to drink her drink and when it was not.

She's smirk at us when she'd pour out her drink, knowing that we had put something in it.

I was raging. This has been going on for over a month — almost two and I just wanted to be able to help George and get him out of that, but we kept trying and we kept failing.

I wrote Molly. I just sent her a letter this morning, explaining everything and I was hoping she'd believe me.

Apparently Carrington was gonna be staying at the burrow with George, like I was supposed to before she took control of him.

Instead, I was going to be staying with Marco and William in their new flat.

We left for the holidays tomorrow and while I was excited to get a break, I hated that I couldn't keep my eyes on George. I felt like Carrington was capable of doing so much more damage when I weren't there, but then I had to remind myself that Fred is there and he's going to keep him safe.

I couldn't even get George alone because Carrington was always there. She had even somehow gotten herself into all of his classes.

I mean, he only had three classes but she's suddenly in them all while I'm only in transfiguration with him.

"Allie?!" Marco called, knocking on the door to my dormitory, and after shouting for him to come in, he did. "Hey... what are you doing?"

I was standing in front of my mirror, studying my reflection.

"What if I start to move on before I get him back?" I asked before I turned towards him. "Or what if she has ruined him so much that he doesn't like me anymore?"

Marco sighed and closed the door behind him.

"Are you serious, babe?" He asked. "He loves you. Every single time he has been brought back from that curse for just a second, it was because of you... because he saw you. He's fighting it and—"

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