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I know I said the last chapter was the last but I couldn't sleep because I was so inspired to write this one so here you fix

Now I will go to bed.

Night everyone!



Allie spend close to two hours with Cedric in the Hufflepuff basement. They talked, laughed and just had fun in general.

Though the wrenching gut feeling she had never disappeared.

She left the Hufflepuff basement a couple of hours before the last task would start, but she didn't have a clue about the person following her on her way out of the dungeons.

Though Allie never managed to get out of the dungeons.

As she reached the stairs, she was attacked from behind, a wet cloth with an awful smell being placed over her face and a strong arm wrapped around her waist.

She screamed against the cloth and tried to fight her away out of the grip but all she did was to inhale the liquid on the cloth and she felt the world slowly fade away around her before everything went black and she went limp against the body of her attacker.


All I could see was back.

Something was covering my head, keeping me from seeing anything.

I was sitting on a chair. It was a hard wooden chair and it hurt my ass to sit on.

My hands were restrained. Tied to the back of the chair with something that felt like thick robes.

My ankles were restrained too — also robes.

"The fuck is this?" I let out a laugh, trying to fight the robes. "George, babe, baby. Is this your definition of a good prank? Did Fred come up with this? Or Lee? I'll have to say — you've taken pranks to a whole 'nother level."

Though when I couldn't feel the material of proper clothing on my body, I knew it wasn't them.

I was only wearing knickers and a bra.

What the actual fuck.

I could hear some rattling behind me before the bag over my head was pulled off. I squinted my eyes, having to adjust to the light.

I was sitting on a chair in a square room. There was nothing else in it, but on the wall in front of me, was a video playing of what looked like the quidditch pitch with a maze in it and students on the stands.

When I looked up, I saw what looked like a projector, playing the video on the wall.

A figure walked around me, stepping in front of me, and when I looked up to see the face, I broke into a laughter that had me throwing my head back.

"Why are you laughing? What the fuck is wrong with you?"

I continued to laugh, the sound echoing through the room but it stopped when he kicked the chair, causing it to tip over with me sitting on it and seeing as my hands and legs were tied, I hit the side of my head against the concrete floor.


"Cameron what the fuck." I continued to laugh but not as loudly. "Why am I in my underwear? Creep."

He crouched down next to me and my eyes landed on my pocket knife in his hand.

"If you fucking touch me, I'll—"

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