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With a sigh, I let my bag drop on the round table in the common room. I pulled the hair tie out of my hair and brushed my fingers through it to even it out as it fell around my face and my shoulders.

I ran a hand over my tired face, then ran it to the back of my neck, massaging my skin while I turned around to face Marco and William who sat on the sofa.

"I don't know how... but we have to convince the four that trying to mess with the Silverberry family, was the biggest mistake of their life." I said, pulling my knife from its holder under my robes.

"Do you mind telling me— us... what's going on?" William asked. "Cameron's not here so who exactly has been messing with you?"

I looked towards Fred and George who were walking around, staring at the bookshelves in awe. I don't think they've been in here before — the Ravenclaw common room.

I looked back at my brother. He was leaned forwards, his arms resting against his knees and his hands folded. Next to him sat Marco with a lollipop in his mouth, not saying anything because he was too focused on consuming sugar.

"Allie?" Will asked when I hadn't answered him. I looked down at the knife in my hand, spinning it around between my fingers. It was closed so I wasn't gonna cut myself.

"Miles Bletchley, Graham Montague." I said, my tongue coming out to wet my lips. "Cassius Warrington and uh— Adrian Pucey."

"Adrian Pucey." Will let out a breathy laugh. "It's always fucking Adrian Pucey."

He went to stand but Marco placed his hand against his knee to keep him on the sofa. He grabbed the lollipop from his mouth and pulled it out before offering it to William.

"Do you want a lick of my lollipop?" He asked. "I promise it tastes good and it'll calm your nerves."

"No." William frowned as he shook his head. "I do not want to lick your lollipop."

Marco scoffed. He looked offended as he then put the lollipop back in his mouth and looked down.

"You did last night." He muttered. William sighed and leaned back on the sofa while I rolled my eyes.

I grabbed the edges of the table and pulled myself up to sit on it.

"What did they do?" William asked me. "Did they say something? Do something?"

"They—" I let out a breath as I brought a hand up to my throat, remembering how hard Warrington had grabbed it. "... threatened to drag me into the dark forest and leave me for the werewolves along with throwing El and Cece in the black lake if I don't write dad and tell him to let the whole thing with Cameron go."

George appeared by the table, leaning over it from the side.

"Don't worry Willy William." He grinned at my brother. "I've already punched Pucey. It was pretty badass if I do have to say so myself."

I chuckled.

"Don't call me that." William frowned and crossed his arms over his chest.

"What? Willy William?" George asked with a teasing grin.

"Do you want detention?" William asked. "As head boy, I can give you detention."

"You're not gonna give him detention." I said as George sat down on the table right next to me. I looked back at where Fred was standing, still studying the many books in awe.

"Do I need to pull on my big boy pants?" Marco asked, earning back my attention. "When I'm done with my lollipop, I can go throw Pucey through a window on the seventh floor."

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