One-hundred and sixteen

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What the fuck.

I stared at William who was currently getting cuffed by an Auror who had been called out to Hogwarts when my brother started beating up Pucey as he had walked past in the courtyard.

Pucey was on the ground, coughing and spitting blood, his face split in multiple places. His lip, his eyebrow — cheekbone even.

His nose was broken and I believe he had lost a few teeth.

William's hands were bloody and completely bruised but he didn't seem to care. Even while getting cuffed, he was breathing heavily, staring at Pucey like he wanted him dead.

He promised not to do anything.

"You know what this means, don't you?" I asked and stepped in front of Will to make him look at me. "Azkaban, William. Unless dad can get you out and I think he's starting to lose his patience with you when you keep screwing up."

William looked at me.

"I could care less about going to Azkaban." He told me. "He got what he deserved for touching you."

"You're insane." I said. "What about your job, huh?"

William cocked an eyebrow.

"He might fire me, yes..." he nodded. "It was still worth it though."

"Let's go." The Auror said, tugging at William to get him to moving towards the viaduct.

They had to leave school grounds to be able to apparate.

"Your father is going to be very disappointed with you." The Auror added. "You'll need all the luck."

William looked back at me.

"I'll write you when I get out!"

Marco had to stay in the hospital wing over the night for observation which meant that I couldn't go cuddle him in the middle of the night when I hadn't been able to sleep.

I had to go up and tell him what had happened while Pucey was being helped to the hospital wing.

When Marco saw him, he broke into laughter and was then being scolded by both Snape and Flitwick who were here.

Well, seeing as I couldn't go and cuddle Marco in the middle of the night, I snuck out of the common room and through the castle to get to the Gryffindor common room.

Though after saying the password and getting scolded by the fat lady for waking her up at night, I entered and froze when I saw Potter sit on the sofa.

Why do they call her the fat lady? So what if she's fat? That's not a bad thing. Calling her the fat lady seems offensive.

I narrowed my eyes at Potter. He seemed to be talking to the fire in the fireplace which was weird.


At the sound of my voice, Potter jumped up and looked at me without saying anything.

"What are you— you're not in Gryffindor." He said. "And it's the middle of the night."

"Yeah." I breathed, nodding slowly. "You didn't see me though and I— I didn't see anything. Don't worry, we'd all go a little crazy if we kept almost dying each year."

I glanced towards the fireplace before I hurried towards the stairs that led up to the boys dormitory.

Carefully, I pushed the door open and my eyes immediately landed on George's bed. He was sleeping on his back, the duvet covering the lower half of his body.

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