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Marco shushed me violently as we met outside of the dormitories, standing in the common room. I shushed him back and he then swatted my arm.

"You're the loudest walker I've ever known." He whispered. "Now c'mon."

He pulled the pendent of his necklace out from under his shirt and I frowned at the key it was formed as.

"How'd you get that?"

"I got Will to steal Snape's keys earlier." He said with a grin. "Took some convincing and I owe him blowjobs for a month but he got the key for me and I made a copy before he could notice it was gone."

I held out my hand and Marco took off the necklace to place it in my hand.

"Smart, right?"

"More— dumb." I told him. "Snape would've killed both of you if he had caught you."

"But he didn't catch me." He said and pointed at the key in my hand. "That there is our way to submitting our names. Sneak into the potions classroom, make an ageing potion, drink it and then put our names in the Goblet in the morning."

I looked at him for a moment, then smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck for a hug.

"You're amazing." I told him. "I thought we would have to just hope that the classroom was unlocked."

"It's the night to Saturday." Marco told me. "He only ever forgets to lock it on Wednesdays."


"Let's go then." I whispered. Marco wrapped his hand around mine and started leading me towards the exit of our common room, before we were stopped by a voice.

"It's over midnight."

I turned around quickly while Marco sighed in annoyance over Cameron, then slowly turned around to look at him.

"We're just gonna go for a midnight walk." I lied to Cam who was standing up on the first floor with his hands gripping the railing. He was shirtless, only wearing his black pyjamas pants. "Go back to bed. We'll be back in like— ten minutes."

"You expect me to believe that?" Cameron laughed. "I don't want you going anywhere with him at this time."

He pointed at Marco who rolled his eyes while I scoffed.

"What are you planning, Partridge?" Cameron asked. "Trying to fuck my girlfriend while you both think I'm asleep?"

"What is your problem?" I asked, trying not to raise my voice because I didn't want to wake up anyone. "Marco is dating my brother and even if he weren't, we wouldn't be interested in each other like that."

Cameron raised his eyebrows.

"You sure about that? Because it seems as your friend doesn't know whether he likes girls or guys. Pick a gender, Partridge."

"Pick a gender?" Marco asked, getting quite aggravated. He took a step forward, pointing a finger up at Cameron but I tugged at his hand to tell him I was there and that I had his full support. "There is something called pansexual, you bloody git!"

Cam raised his eyebrow and let out an amused laugh which actually sounded a little like a mockery.

"Allie, baby. Are you gonna let him talk to me like that?"

"Actually—" I breathed. "...yeah. Do you wanna know why? Because I'm dumping your sorry ass."

Marco immediately snapped his head to the side to look at me, his eyes wide, but mine stayed on Cameron who slowly let go of the railing as his lips parted in shock.

"Allie, I swear to god if you walk out of that door right now, I will personally tell Flitwick in the morning that left the common room in the middle of the night."

I shrugged.

"You could do that." I nodded. "But if you do, I'll just tell my dad what you did to me up in the seventh-floor corridor."

Marco's face changed. His eyes were glued to me but now they looked confused as his eyebrows were knitted together into a frown.

"We both know how terrified you are of my father." I told Cameron. "How much you longed for him to like you, but if I tel him what happened, he'll spread the world of the exact person you are and once my brother learns what you've done, your mother won't be able to recognise you when you go home again."

Cameron muttered something under his breath but ended up turning around to walk back into his dormitory. I tugged at Marco's hand, then pulled him out of the common room.

"What did he do?" He asked. I glanced at him and let go of his hand but didn't reply as I led the way down the first set of stairs. My body came to a jolt when they suddenly moved and I looked back to see Marco slowly make his way down towards me. "Did he hurt you?"

"It doesn't matter what he did." I told him. "I can't change it but now it's over and I feel so fucking relieved."

A painting shushed me in an angry manner, making me roll my eyes. Marco stayed quiet until we had reached the dungeon corridor, then he hurried up to my side.

"Did he touch you?" He asked. "Inappropriately without your consent?"

"Marco—" I sighed.

"What did he do, Allie? You know I'm not gonna let this go." He said. "I've always hated him and he gives off these vibes. Then I hated him more when he tried to control what you can and cannot eat. Did he violate you?"

I continued to ignore him as we reached the door to the potions classroom. I put the key into the keyhole and went to turn it but frowned when I realised it was already unlocked.

"I think he forgot to lock it again today." I said and looked at Marco. He reached forward, grabbed the handle and pulled it open, only to reveal Fred and George standing in some dim lighting with cauldrons and ingredients on the table.

Both of them were frozen in their actions, looking at us, but they sighed with relief when they realised it wasn't a teacher or Filch.

"Well we did steal their idea." Marco shrugged, causing a frown to show on Fred's face while George grinned mischievously. I elbowed Marco in the side which made him yelp, then I stepped into the classroom.

"What a coincidence." I smiled sweetly. "What're you two doing here?"

"You do realise we're not deaf, right?" Fred asked with a cocked eyebrow while Marco walked in and closed the door behind us.

George leaned forward, placing his hands on the table with his eyes focused on me.

"Stealing our idea, eh?"

"No!" I defended myself quickly. "Definitely did not do that. As I said, it's a coincidence."

Marco went to grab one of the extra cauldrons while I walked over and sat on the table next to where George stood.

"What do you two think about Cameron Ironwood?" Marco asked when he placed the cauldron on the table.

"Marco, what are you—"

"Ironwood?" Fred asked and glanced from Marco to me. "Your boyfriend?"

"Ex." Marco corrected him. "She just dumped him about five minutes ago."

George looked at me, his eyebrows raised in surprise and a small smile spread on his lips before he looked at Marco.

"Good. He's a dick anyway."

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