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"Allie!" William shouted, chasing after me. "I didn't mean now! You may be healed but you still need to be checked out in the hospital wing!"

"Fuck off!" I yelled, flipping him off as I headed for the quidditch pitch.

My heart was beating rapidly against my rib cage. I was panicking about what William said was true. It couldn't be true. It was not allowed to be true.

"Allie!" My brother yelled. "You're not thinking clearly right now but he fucking stabbed you and you need to go see madam Pomfrey so she can make sure you're fine!"

I spun around sharply to look at him.

"No!" I screamed. "I am fine! I feel fine!"


"I don't care about what just happened, William." I said. "Cameron's a death eater and he's not coming back after what just happened because he has to go into hiding. It's over but— Cedric."

My bottom lip started to tremble but I took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of my nose before turning back around, continuing towards the quidditch pitch.

When I got to the pitch, I froze.

A body was lying on the ground, covered by a blanket. Mr Diggory was crying over the body and Marco sat on the other side, knees pulled up to his chest.

There was a lot of Aurors, my dad included.

My mum was here too. She was standing next to Marco, comfortably rubbing the top of his back. His eyes were staring right at where the body was laying.

I leaned against the side of the stands, a heavy breath leaving my mouth.

"Allie." William said from behind me. "You need—"

"Shut up." I muttered, staring at the body in the grass. "Just... shut up."

Where is George?

"Allie!" My dad shouted when he saw me and I looked at him as he walked towards me with fast steps. "Where have you been? Everyone have been looking for you for the last three hours. You can't just—"

His eyes landed on my shirt, causing him to stop in his tracks.

"Is that blood? Why are you covered in blood?"

"I—" I gulped. "... I need to not be here right now. I can't deal with this."

I shot a last glance towards the body, seeing my mum and Marco look my way. Marco hurried to stand up and my mum looked at me with pity, but I didn't give them a chance to say anything before I turned around and hurried past William and up towards the castle.

I ignored all the students in the hallway as they looked at me but I could still hear some of the things they were saying.

They were gossiping.

Though it was one thing specifically that made me stop walking

"I bet she was the one who killed him. She disappeared hours before the task and shows up now with blood on her clothes?"

I looked in the direction of a girl from my own house, a few years younger than me.

They think it was me?

"What the fuck happened to loyalty?!" I snapped at her. "Wasn't I the one who got your sorry ass out of detention last year?"

She didn't respond. I looked around at all the students. I was panicking and seeing the way all their eyes were focused on me, didn't help.

Us ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now