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Before you read... I just want to clear something up.

Allie has nothing against Hermione.

She calls everyone by their name because she has a reason to. Ginny is her boyfriend's sister. Ron is her boyfriend's brother. Then there is her own sisters who she obviously calls by their first names.

She still calls Hermione by her last name because she doesn't really have a relationship to her at this point. If you have noticed, she has never called Harry by his first name either. That's still Potter.


"George Fabian Weasley!"

My boyfriend spun around and looked at me. He had been talking to my long lost brother for some reason.

"I just remembered that you were supposed to sing for me." I said, placing my hands on my hips. "And you just said goodnight and left."

"You sing?" Grayson asked, cocking an eyebrow. George looked at him and shook his head.

"I don't." He said before looking at me again. "Babe, I told you I'd sing for you if you cut my hair. That means after you've cut my hair."

I gasped dramatically.

"Don't you trust me? I always keep my word."

He narrowed his eyes for me and grabbed his wand. I frowned but he simply send me a wink before he disappeared into thin air.

The fuck...

"Did he just apparate?" I looked around, seeing him by the stairs. He wiggled his fingers at me before running upstairs and I set after him, almost running into Sirius on my way.

My mum shouted about me slowing down, but Sirius brushed it off with a laugh and told her to let us have some fun.


I'm chasing my boyfriend whom I didn't know could apparate.

"George!" I shouted, barging into the room where the boys slept. George was standing by the bed and looked at me when I barged through the door.

"Baby, calm down yeah? There's no need to—"

I tackled him to the floor and he let out an 'oof' sound as he landed on his back with me on top of him.

"When did you learn how to apparate?" I asked, pinning his hands down on either side of his head.

"What are you two doing?" Marco asked from where he and William had sat on the bed. "Wait... I want to join."

He went to join us on the floor when William grabbed the back of his shirt to keep him from going anywhere.

"You're bloody strong." George gasped for air, struggling to let out a laugh. "Fred and I have been taking some apparition classes all of last year. It costs about twenty galleons and we did it so that no one found out. That way we could prank you all and it wouldn't be expected."

"Hmm." I mumbled, narrowing my eyes at him. "That's actually really smart."

"Yeah?" He chuckled. "So why don't you get off me before anyone walks by the door and thinks we're about to have sex."

A small smile formed on my face as I leaned down to kiss him.

"I really hope no one thinks that." William commented. "Then they'd think you'd be doing it in front of us and if that happened, I'd kill myself."

I sat up straight, looking towards my brother at the comment he made. Marco looked at him too, and when William noticed the way we were looking at him, he sighed, rolled his eyes and stood up.

Us ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now