One-hundred and seventeen

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It was quiet yet really noisy. The cell they had assigned me was small and quiet with a long window, showing me the sea.

Though my cell was quiet, the building wasn't. I could hear the other prisoners, mostly death eaters scream and laugh like the crazy people they are.

I keep seeing Pucey's face while punching him, and I keep remembering the anger I felt.

I clenched my fists when I felt that very same anger rise inside of me.

That's what happens sometimes, especially when someone messes with any of my sisters or with Marco.

I see red and the anger takes over.

My therapist says it's a part of the depression. Some people feel numb, some feel incredible sad and I... I feel angry most of the time.

But Pucey deserved it. He's done nothing but harass Allie for the past year — I just didn't know he had touched her inappropriately without her consent.

I kept thinking about the reason I punched Pucey and I felt the anger take over again.

Pulling myself up from the hard bed, I couldn't control myself before I repeatedly punched the brick wall until I felt something crack.

I didn't feel the pain but when I looked at my hand, it was obvious I had broken something.

"Fucking shit." I muttered and sat down again, holding my hand while watching the blood and the broken knuckle.

Then I was thinking about what Marco said. He thought Carrington had thrown that bludger at him.

I didn't doubt him because he obviously had his reason to believe that, but why would she try and kill him?

Or my sister for that matter.

Why would she purposefully try and kill the both of them? Was that even her intention or did she just want to hurt them?

The sound of the door filled my ears and I looked towards it as it opened, revealing one of the guards, followed by my father.

Immediately I looked out of the window, preparing for the scolding I was about to get.

"Can you leave us alone?" Dad asked the guard who I assume just nodded because then he left the cell, leaving us alone in here.

"You haven't told mum, have you?" I asked, glancing at him.

"Should I?" He asked, standing across from me with his arms folded over his chest. "William, you sent a boy to the hospital wing and this time you weren't even a student there. Also, it was the same guy you almost killed years ago. I managed to convince his father not to sue but now you stand against an entire sentence and that's going to be harder for me to make go away."

I gulped.

"Then don't."

"Then don't?" He questioned. "It's a minimum of six months, William. Possibly two years with your past. Aren't you in the middle of planning your wedding with Marcus? And what about your job at the leaky cauldron? Were you even thinking about those things when you decided to attack that boy again?"

"I didn't attack him!" I raised my voice. "He deserved that and you would probably have done the same if you were my age and knew what he had done! We all know you were just as violent as I am, if not more."

My dad sighed.

"Then tell me what he did."

"I can't do that."

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