One-hundred and thirty-six

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I had fallen asleep again.

Though the guys woke me up when we were on the platform. We had grabbed our stuff before entering the luggage compartment, found our trunks and then we got off the train.

We said goodbye to Lee who found his parents who were waiting for him.

Marco and I were supposed to go to the leaky cauldron to see William, and Timothy was going home to his and Marco's parents and their younger brother.

I noticed people staring at me which confused me. I'd just send them a sassy look, wondering why they were staring.

Don't they have a life?

Timothy hugged me goodbye and flipped Marco off before disapparating from the platform.

Marco and I could now apparate too. The twelve-week course was over and we received our licenses.

"You ready to go?" Marco asked, grabbing onto his trunk. I took a look around the platform, seeing all the witches and wizards greet their families or going home on their own.

"Yeah." I nodded. When I looked at Marco again, he had pulled out his wand and tapped my nose with it before he disapparated.

I rolled my eyes, grabbed my trunk before I pulled out my wand too. I apparated to outside the leaky cauldron where Marco waited for me.

He pushed the door open and I followed him inside in the warmth. There weren't many customers in today. There was usually more in the weekends or the holidays and the holidays had just started.

"Will!" Marco's voice made me flinch and drop my trunk. I watched as Marco approached the bar with fast steps.

William was behind the bar, drying a glass but as he saw Marco, he smiled, put down the glass and threw the towel over his shoulder.

Marco leaned over the bar and I couldn't help but grin as William grasped Marco's jaw and kissed him.

I put my trunk aside along with Marco's so it didn't block the door, then put my bag on top, and approached the bar as well.

I tapped my fingers against the bar as I waited for them to be over it, though they just kept kissing slowly with full of passion.

I ended up having to clear my throat to get them to pull apart. Marco sat down, grinning up at William while Will turned to me, and his smile dropped.

"You've got a dick on your face."


Marco hid his mouth in his hand, trying to cover up his laughter, and I sighed, realising what had happened after I fell asleep for the second time on the train.

"Anyway—" William breathed, smiling as I leaned over the bar to hug my brother. " are you doing?"

I shrugged and sat next to Marco.

"Do you want the truth or the lie?"

William narrowed his eyes at me before he grabbed the glass and turned around to place it on the shelf.

Does he seem different?


"I want to know the truth, of course." He said, turning back towards us. "Why? Is something wrong?"

Oh shit.

Right, I told Marco not to tell William so he doesn't know anything about what has been going on at school... other than Carrington throwing a bludger in Marco's head.

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