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"He kicked you out?"

I hummed in response, glancing at George through the mirror as I got ready for the day. I didn't explain the fight to him yesterday when he got back, but this morning I did.

"Do you think he's being serious?"

"I don't know." I shrugged, pulling my hair into a ponytail only to put it down again with a sigh. "But no matter if he is being serious, I don't want to live under his roof anymore. We'll go back to everyone else tomorrow, yeah? Then we go finish our last year at Hogwarts and afterwards maybe my mum had found a place with room for us. It's not like I have my savings anymore so I can't buy or myself a place."

George pushed himself away from the poster of my bed, approaching me. He grabbed the brush from the dresser in front of me and brushed my hair for me.

"Didn't your mum say she'd help you out?"

"She did." I nodded. "I just hate asking for money. Always have and I don't want to seem pushy by walking up to her and ask her for money for a place."

George reached for my hair tie on the dresser and wrapped it around his wrist before he started braiding my hair.

"Well, if you have nowhere you stay during holidays, you can always come stay with me at the Burrow." He told me. "And when Fred and I find a shop with a flat, you can live with us. I'm sure Fred wouldn't mind."

My eyes flicked back to the mirror so I could look at him. His own eyes were focused on the braid he was braiding out of my hair.

"You can think about it." He added. "I know it's early to be thinking about moving in together. We've been together for almost eight months, but when we graduate, it'll be nineteen months."

A smile spread on my face.

"I don't need to think about it."

He froze for a moment, then finished the braid and wrapped the hair tie around the end before his eyes met mine through the mirror.

"If Fred is okay with it, then my answer's yes." I said. He started smiling and placed two fingers against my jaw, turning my head towards him before kissing me.

I smiled against his lips, loving the way they felt on mine. Kissing him would always be like the first time in the boat house. It caused the same feeling to spark.

Then the door to my room barged open, causing us to break the kiss while I felt my body jump in fright.

"We're getting drunk!" Marco announced, walking straight over to me. He threw his arms around me, hugging me tightly.

"No one's getting drunk, Marcus." William sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I agreed to make a couple of drinks and that's it."

Marco wrapped one arm around my shoulders and the other around George.

"We're all getting fucking drunk, Will." Marco said. "Stop being a buzzkill for once."

"What are you doing here?" I asked, getting out of Marco's grip before also pushing his arm off of George. "You're gonna wrinkle his shirt."

"What?" Marco let out a dramatic laugh. He was way too hyped right now. It was his coping mechanism.

"You're worried about my shirt?" George asked as I straightened out the material. I glanced up at his face before nodding.

"Don't tell me you're about to be as OCD as William." Marco said, causing me to look at him.

"You have OCD. It's not something you are." I said. "And William doesn't have it just because he doesn't want you to mess up his sheets."

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