One-hundred and forty-two

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December 26th of 1995

It was past midnight.

I had been spending the most of the night out in front of the house, sitting on the steps.

It had been a horrible night. I didn't feel very good. I'd rather just be in my bed, sleeping and just go back to sleep every time I'd wake up.

I used to be happy with myself and my life but then my friend died and after that, everything just fell apart.

It was six months since Cedric died. I missed him more than anything but it felt like years ago due to all the other things that had happened.

I wanted everything back, I wanted Cedric back, I wanted my sixth year back and I wanted George back.

I looked up at the sky so clear that every single star was visible. I liked to imagine that Ced was one of them.

We had so many memories together and then he was killed. Some days I don't even think about him because there're so many other things going on, and that makes me feel guilty.

Though other nights, I still cry while hugging a picture of him. Now I cry because of him and because of my relationship.

"There you are." I said as I pushed open the door. Both boys looked up and I slid the door closed behind me again.

"Hey." Cedric grinned. "How're you doing?"

"Still in pain?" Marco added as I threw my bag pack up on the luggage rack, then I sat down next to Cedric.

"No. I'm still a little blue though."

I nodded towards Marco's arm.

"How long do you have to wear the cast?"

Marco shrugged with a self-satisfied smile a/ he looked down at the many signatures on his cast.

"The healer said six to eight weeks." He told me. "That's another month at least."

I pouted at him, then stood up and dug into my bag for a marker.

"I wanna sign your cast." I said with a smile when I turned back towards him. He laughed softly but motioned for me to sit next to him, so I did.

"Be my guest."

Marco sucks cock -Allie S.

When Marco saw what I had written, he broke into laughter, throwing his head back and when Cedric stood up to join us and read what I had written, he grinned but shook his head while rolling his eyes playfully.

"What?" I questioned and looked between them. "Did I lie?"

Cedric chuckled and sat back down while Marco continued to laugh at what I wrote.


The voice startled me. I looked towards the gate where he stood. Tall and handsome, wearing black jeans, a white t-shirt and a flannel shirt.

He had a small package in his hand and his other hand was shoved into his pocket.

I shook my head at him and stood up, turning around to walk back inside, but his voice stopped me.


I sighed.

I couldn't get myself to walk inside when telling me to wait. Even though he dumped me, he still meant everything to me.

"I just want to talk." He said. "And I have something for you."

I turned towards him again and we simply looked at each other for a moment before I sat down on the step again.

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