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During the night of August 6th of 1995, I woke up after having a nightmare. Being too scared to go back to sleep, I sat up and looked at my two younger sisters I shared the bed with. Both of them were sleeping peacefully and as I got out of bed, I was careful not to wake them or anyone else in the room.

Since we first moved in for the summer, loads of people came and went. There was many members of the Order so each day, someone would be here that weren't there the day before.

I got into a pair of sweatpants, simply pulling them on over my shorts before I grabbed a hoodie as well and pulled it over my shirt. I left the room, stepping out into the cold and dark hallway. I made my way down to the kitchen where Timothy stood with his back turned to me.

He was shirtless, simply wearing a pair of white sweatpants, identical to mine. It made sense. The one's on my body is actually Marco's that I stole and seeing as the two are twins, they've always gotten identical clothing from their family.

The sweatpants were a Christmas present from last year from their grandmother.

"Why are you up?" I asked, causing Timothy to turn and look at me. He had dyed his hair blue again so it was a bit darker than before when it had started to fade.

"Couldn't sleep." he shrugged and brought his cup of tea up to his lips to take a sip. "You?"

I walked over and leaned against the kitchen counter, folding my arms over my chest as I looked at him.

"I had a nightmare." I told him. "I haven't had a nightmare in a long time. I forgot how uncomfortable they can be."

Timothy looked down at his cup of tea before he handed it to me.

"You look like you need it more than I do." he said. "Do you want to tell me what happened in the nightmare? Sometimes it can help."

I shook my head.

"I don't really remember what happened. I just know it was a nightmare and that it terrified me."

I took a sip of the tea, then made a face and handed it back to me.

"You do not deserve the right to call yourself English with how bad you are at making tea." I said, causing him to let out a laugh. He shrugged and drank some of it himself. "It tastes like pure sugar."

"It tastes good this way." he grinned, taking another sip. "How do you make your tea then?"

"One spoon of sugar." I told him. "And no milk"

Timothy put down his cup before he reached up and opened the cabinet, taking a second one. Then he started making another cup of tea. While watching him, I felt like I had some kind of dust in my eye which was starting to get quite annoying.

I rubbed my eye, hoping to stop the feeling, but the sensation kept being there and it made me sigh.

"Anything wrong?" Timothy asked, looking at me as he poured water into the cup where he had put the teabag.

"Not really... I think I've got dust in my eye."

"Yeah?" he questioned as he put the tea kettle down. "I can look at it if you'd like."

I nodded and turned my body towards him.

"You can try." I smiled softly. "Thank you."

He cupped the side of my face to tilt my head back, his thumb tugging on the skin under my eye so he could get a look.

Us ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now