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"Marco!" I sang as I got back to the dormitory that night.

George, Fred, Lee and I spend the rest of the day together by the lake, having fun, talking and laughing about stupid shit.

Lee and I gave them their gifts and now I was back in the common room after eating dinner in the Great Hall.

Marco didn't show up for some reason and neither did William. They were probably together. Hopefully not making out because I am not walking in on that again.

"Marco!" I called out again, knocking on the door. "Can I come in? I don't want to walk in on anything."

When I didn't get a response, I knocked once again and clamped a hand over my eyes before opening the door and entering. I closed the door behind me, leaning on it.

"Marco? William?"

"He's not here."

I frowned.

Why did his voice sound so broken?

I removed my hand from my eyes and looked at Marco who laid on the bed, rolled onto his side with a specific blanket pulled over him. A blanket that William got him for his birthday. It was full of pictures of the two that Marco had taken with my camera back when he used to steal it all the time.

His eyes were staring straight ahead and he didn't look happy but he didn't look sad either. He looked tired, perhaps?

"Are you okay?" I asked, slowly making my way towards him. "You're not sick, are you? Do you need to go to the hospital wing?"

As I stood next to his bed, I pressed a hand to his forehead but he wasn't exactly warm. He didn't say anything. When I sat down on the edge of the bed, my hand on his arm, he still didn't say anything.

"He told me he was using me." he then whispered after a moment. His eyebrows fell into a frown, and I watched as he squeezed his eyes shut, his bottom lip trembling before he let out a cry.

"Wha– Marco." I frowned, trying to stop myself from crying as well. I've always cried if he did. It's annoying. "Marco, come here... sit up."

He did what I told him to and threw the blanket aside before he wrapped his arms around my back, resting his cheek against my shoulder while I wrapped my arms around his shoulders.

"Your family is the best thing that's happened to me." he sobbed. "I met you and I met Will, but now that's over."

Excuse me?

Did they break up?

It sounds like they broke up.

Instead of saying anything, I simply tightened my arms around him, letting him find comfort in my presence and not my words. I know that's how he likes it. He hates having to talk about his feelings when he's upset. He'd rather just be comforted in silence.

I already knew that William was the one to end their relationship. That's just William in a nutshell. He gets scared and he takes the easy way out. I love my fucking brother but I told him to not hurt Marco.

Marco is too precious for that.

After a while of hugging, he went back to laying down, and I stayed with him until he fell asleep, then replaced the blanket with another one that wasn't from my brother. I tucked him in, folded the blanket with all the pictures and shoved it underneath the bed where I knew Marco kept it.

Then I left and I didn't go quietly.

I stormed out, though being careful not to wake Marco. I could feel the anger boil inside of me, the range slowly building. I saw red with my brother's face in the middle.

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