One-hundred and three

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I was right.

The next morning, the pain between my legs was much worse. I found myself waiting until my four roommates had left, before I got up and got dressed, hissing at the pain that shot through my body.

Marco was waiting for me in the common room. He and Timothy both were. Timothy was sitting on the arm rest of the sofa, twirling his wand around between his fingers while Marco was judging him with his eyes for some reason.

I tried my best to walk without any evidence as to how rough George had been with me last night but when Marco looked at me and started grinning, I knew that was a lost cause.

"Right." I breathed. "Shall we get going? I'm hungry."

"For what?" Marco asked. "The food on the table or the food between five's legs?"

I sighed and placed a hand on my hip while tilting my head, shaking it as well. He giggled like a child who had been caught making trouble and Timothy rolled his eyes as he pushed himself off of the sofa.

"When are you gonna stop calling him five?"he asked, looking at his brother. "How would you like it if we all called you two?"

Marco frowned.

"Okay, first of all Timmy... you're defending our Georgie? You hate the guy because he has Allie and you don't"

I noticed Timothy tense up and he sent Marco a warning look. At the same time, I looked around, acting like I didn't hear it. I didn't want to make Timothy uncomfortable by it being mentioned.

"And second of all, dear brother of mine... I wouldn't be two. I'd be one, seeing as I was born before you." Marco said with a smile. "You'd be number two and Robin would be three."

I sighed.

"Can we please go get something to eat?"

"Yes of course." Marco smiled and wrapped an arm around my neck before dragging me towards the door.

"Ow... Ow! Marco not so fast!" I whined. "It freaking hurts you git."

"It's not my fault you decide to have violent sex on the first night back." He said. "Where did you even do it? Filch would've caught you."

I chuckled mischievously as I wrapped my arm around his back while Timothy followed behind without saying a word.


"Shit." He suddenly cursed, ignoring me. "I forgot my contact lenses."

Marco and I both have pretty poor vision. Mine is worse than his and I'm currently wearing my glasses because I didn't want to wear the lenses, but apparently Marco forgot his lenses.

Timothy let out a dramatic sigh and we looked back at him as he pulled out a case for glasses, handing it to Marco.

He always carries one pair of Marco's glasses because he tend to forget.

"Aw thank you little brother." Marco pouted and let go of me to take the case.

He opened it, grabbed his glasses and put them on before shoving the case into his pocket.

"Don't call me that. A few minutes doesn't make much of a difference. We're still twins." Timothy said and walked past us, picking up his pace.

"See." Marco grinned, throwing his arm around me again. "We're glasses buddies."

"Poor vision buddies." I nodded, letting myself lean on him to ease the pain between my legs. I felt my knees buckle and I shrieked, grabbing onto Marco to not fall.

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