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Her smile was contagious.

The way she was smiling from ear to ear while talking about the subject of Muggle studies, made me want to just kiss her and never stop. She looked so passionate about it, and it was adorable.

She would be great friends with my dad. He would definitely adore her and so would mum. The thought of it made me happy. They had already met her once and I knew they liked her, but they would absolutely love her if they ever got to know her.

What the Merlin's beard is going on with me?

When we left the Great Hall, we went to get my homework from my dormitory but I wasn't doing it. I was leaned back in my chair and my eyes were focused on her, studying her as she was going on about the things she found fascinating about the muggle world.

I could hear her talk forever. I never wanted her to stop. I absolutely loved her voice. It had a slight rasp to it. It was unique and fitted both her face and her personality.

Allie was amazing. All the way from how she was kind to anyone who deserved it, the way she believed in me and saw my abilities which I had only ever experienced from Fred. The way she carried a knife and weren't afraid to use it.

I know she's got money, but I also know she's different. Most rich families I know of, are very stuck up and most students here whose families have money, think they're better than everyone else. Allie doesn't. She doesn't see it like that. She sees everyone as equals and sees the worth in anyone.

Apart from Cameron. She knows he's a piece of shit, worth of absolutely nothing.

Allie stopped talking when she noticed I was staring at her. She looked at me, our eyes meeting, though I didn't look away.

"Staring won't give you the power to see through my clothes." She said with a teasing smile. I laughed, tilting my head at her.

"Sorry." I smiled. "Did I make you uncomfortable?"

She shook her head and mimicked the way I had my head tilted.

"What were you thinking about?" She asked softly, leaning on the table as she looked at me with her brown eyes.

I could stare into them all day.

"Your height." I said jokingly, scrunching up my nose. "You're very small."

Allie laughed as she leaned back in the chair and folded her arms over her chest.

"George, I'm not even that short." She told me. "You're just a giant."

I gasped dramatically, placing a hand over my heart to act like I was offended.

"But you're a pretty cute giant." She shrugged casually.

Don't blush.

"I actually want to ask you something." Allie continued, folding her hands on the table. She suddenly seemed very nervous, making me smile automatically. "Are you free this Saturday?"

She looked down at the table, but when I didn't answer right after a short moment, her eyes flicked up to my face for a second before they looked somewhere else.

"B-Because I was wondering if you uh— if you'd like to go to Hogsmeade with me?"

Is she asking me out?

I leaned forward and placed a hand on top of hers as she was fidgeting with the corner of her textbook. She looked up at me again and I offered her a comforting smile.

"Hogsmeade?" I asked. "Sounds fun."

Her nervous expression turned into a smile and she let out a breath of relief. Now I couldn't stop smiling. I found her so adorable and my stomach kept fluttering at the smallest things she was doing.

"Like a date?" I asked and she nodded slowly as she bit her lip. I nodded back, the leaned over the table, cupping her face as I pressed my lips to hers for a few seconds before the bell in the clock tower announced the start of the next lesson.

It was only a warning. Class would start in five minutes, meaning that Allie would have to leave.

"That's my cue." She smiled softly as she gathered her stuff in her bag, then stood up. "I'll see you later?"

"Of course." I smiled. "Stone bridge at three?"

Allie nodded and walked over, brushing her hand through my hair as she leaned down to share another kiss.

This one lasted a little longer. My hand automatically went up to her jaw as I got a taste of her lips.

That was the first time she was the one to initiate a kiss. When she pulled back, she smiled down at me cheekily before she walked out of the library.

"Hi Fred." I heard her greet, causing my head to shoot up to see my twin greet her back with a playful wink, before he came over to join me.

"Did you plant the gift?" I asked and sat up straight as Fred too Allie's spot on the other side of the table.

"No." He shook his head slowly. "I couldn't get into the common room. I got one riddle wrong and the door wouldn't let me in."

I sighed and threw my head back in annoyance.

"But—" Fred continued. "Her sister came by. I think her name's Eleanor or something, right? Second year."

I nodded.

"She promised to put it on Allie's bed right away." He told me. "So don't worry. She'll get it."

"Good." I breathed, smiling to myself when Allie's face appeared in my mind, the look she wore when she asked me out.

"You're so gone, aren't you?" Fred grinned. "She's got you by the balls."

I rolled my eyes but chuckled, and I ended up nodding as I closed my textbook.

"I guess—" I told him. "She just asked me out, actually."

"She did? Well why the fuck did I just ask Eleanor to get that necklace into her dorm?"

I used magic to make a silver chain and to the chain, I attached this ring that I normally wear. It's got a howler attacked but instead of it screaming at her, it asks her to be my girlfriend.

I know it's quite fast but I know we like each other and I do want to make it official, because I want to get to know her better and I want to know that we're exclusive.

I've known her since our second year. She made the Quidditch Team for Ravenclaw as a beater and I made the Gryffindor team as a beater. We're both very competitive and since then, we'd always be very playful at each other while playing, but we never really talked outside of Quidditch. That was something we started on after Fred and I saved her from getting tramped to death during the death eater attack.

"Because she might've asked me out— but I still want to be official." I told Fred. "So if she wears it later, it's her way of saying yes."

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