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Today we had to learn how to dance. The houses were taught separately, their head of house being the one to teach. I paired up with Marco, and boy did he keep stepping on my feet.

I feel bloody sorry for William. He has to dance with the boy at the Yule Ball. I can tell you, that at the end of it, he won't be able to walk from the pain Marco is going to cause his feet.

How I wish George and I had been in the same house. I bet he's a better dancer than my idiot of a friend.

"I'm just saying that you need to learn how to dance!" I told Marco as we left after a long dancing lesson. "William is going to hit you in the head if you step on him, you do realise that, right?"

Marco scoffed.

"I'd rather he hit me with his cock."

Oh my god.

"You're disgusting." I shook my head. "Let's go find Ced. I want to hear if he's ready for the ball. I am not letting either of you step on your partners because it's fucking painful!"

He threw an arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer as he gave my shoulder a squeeze. I scrunched up my face and tried to get out of his embrace, but he was way stronger than me.

"I'm gonna knock those glasses off your face." I said and looked at him. "I'm not kidding around, Marcus."

"You'll have to just live through the pain, babe. I'm expecting you to save a dance for me." He said, giving my arm another squeeze.

"Marcus Pablo Partridge!" I warned him. "Squeeze me one more time and I'm throwing you out the window."

I pointed at the arched windows that led to the courtyard, and Marco slowly let go of me, moving away from me at the same time.

"You're so moody." He rolled his eyes. "That time of the month?"

"Oh my god!" I groaned and stopped walking. He took a few more steps, then turned around and looked at me. "Why do guys always assume it's that time of the month? I may just be in a mood because you stamped on my feet like the elephant you are!"

Marco raised an eyebrow, looking at me with an amused grin.

"Well, is it that time of the month?"

I folded my arms over my chest and shrugged.

"Maybe." I said shyly. Marco laughed, knowing he had been right. I flipped him off before I turned around to go the other way. "Wait— wait Allie! I'm sorry, okay? We're supposed to go see Cedric!"

"Tell him I said hi!" I yelled back. "And tell him that you're being an ass and that's why I'm ditching him!"

"An ass?!" He yelled. "At least I'm not being a bitch!"

Oh, he'll regret saying that.

I stopped and turned around sharply. Marco raised his eyebrows and opened his arms as a way to challenge me.

"Did you just call me that?" I asked. He hummed, nodding and when I got a little closer to him, I started running, though before I could jump him, he crouched down, wrapped his arms around my thighs as I went over his shoulder. "Wait— how the fuck did you— put me down, Marcus."

He turned around, me over his shoulder. My hair was hanging around my head, swinging in the air as he moved.

"Nope. We'll be seeing Cedric." He said as he started walking. "This is your own fault, Allie."

"My own fault?!" I exclaimed. "You called me a bitch!"

"Because you are one." He said and slapped my behind, making me shriek while I tried to kick him with my feet.

"Do not touch my ass you dumb chihuahua!"

I love Marco, I really do, but right now he's being an asshole. This is how our relationship mostly is. We insult each other and fight. When we were younger, we'd wrestle, though Marco has had a big glow-up during the summer and gained a lot of muscles, which is why he now all of sudden can carry me with such ease.

"Why are you carrying my sister around on the shoulder?" I heard Charlotte's voice. I lifted my head and tried to move my hair out of the way before I looked at my youngest sister who was now walking next to Marco.

"Because your sister wasn't being very nice." Marco replied. "So I'm just making sure she'll never be rude to me again."

Charlotte frowned, then looked up at me and shook her head as she turned to walk into the courtyard.

"How was I being rude?" I asked. "You were the one calling me a bitch."

"And you called me an ass."

"And what is worse, exactly?" I frowned. "Being called an ass or a bitch?"

He slapped my behind again, and in response, I dug my nails into his back, making him hiss in pain.

"Cut it out, Allie." He said in a playful manner as he started walking up the grand staircase. "I'm gonna put you down when we're there. Otherwise you'll just run away."

I'm not a toddler.

"I hate you sometimes."

Marco laughed in amusement and suddenly the stairs moved, making me scream in fright as I held onto my best friends body.

"I know you do, baby, I know you do."

"Don't call me baby, I'm not a baby."

"You sure are in a mood today." He laughed. I sighed and closed my eyes as I pinched the bridge of my nose.

When he put me down, we were standing in the fourth-floor corridor where we agreed on meeting Cedric. I glared at Marco as I went to push him, but he grabbed my arm, spun me around and pressed my back against his chest.

"You know you're not stronger than me anymore, right?" He asked, wrapping his arms around me to lock my wrists against my own wrist. "Must be awful to be my friend, eh?"

I sighed, but my lips spread into a smile when I saw Cedric enter from the other end of the corridor.

"What're you two doing?"

"This is how you handle Allie when she gets violent while she's menstruating." Marco said in amusement. Cedric scrunched up his nose as he slowed down, watching us carefully.

"See what you did, Marco? Ced's obviously not comfortable talking about my cycle, so let's stop, yeah?" I asked before elbowing him in the ribs. A groan emerged from his mouth as he let go of me and stumbled back, clutching his ribs.

"That was—" Marco inhaled sharply as he slowly straightened up. "... not necessary."

"How did it go?" I asked Ced while ignoring Marco. "Can you dance?"

"Yeah." He shrugged. "Not a pro, but I won't look like an idiot."

I raised my eyebrows and looked back at Marco with a certain look which made him roll his eyes. Then I looked at Cedric again.

"Good, because Marco was shit and he kept stepping on me, so now I'll have to take time out of my day so teach him so that he doesn't piss of my brother."

"Will loves me." Marco sighed. "He won't care if I can dance."

"No—" I said, looking at him again. "... but he hates people stepping on his feet. He'll kill you."

William has always gotten really angry if anyone accidentally stepped on his feet. I was a clumsy child, still kinda am and I always stepped in people for some reason. It always ended up in a physical fight between Will and I.

"Why are we just standing here?" I asked, motioning for them to come with me. "We need to be in the library if I need to help you two with your studies."

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