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Marco had placed his parents tent as close to the Quidditch Stadium as possible. It looked small on the outside but once you stepped inside, it had a living room, a dining room, living room and even four bedrooms. His family used it when they went on vacation. His parents had their own room and Marco and his two brothers had their own personal rooms as well.

Now we were gonna stay here for the night. The match was tomorrow and it was just Marco, Cameron and I in the tent. Cedric was staying with his own dad but he was gonna make sure to come over tonight so we could see each other.

Marco didn't like Cam, though Cameron didn't like Marco either. The only reason Cameron is allowed to stay in Marco's tent is because Marco knows I like him. Though he has one condition. Cameron sleeps in one room and I sleep in the room next to Marco's.

I was excited for the World Cup this year. At Hogwarts I made the Ravenclaw Quidditch team in my second year. So did Marco. We're the two beaters of our team and Quidditch is our lives. Cameron hates Quidditch. He thinks it's a waste of time and the only reason he's here is because I literally begged him.

"Marco?!" I called out from the kitchen. "There's no food!"

With a sigh, I closed the fridge. When I turned around, Cam leaned against the kitchen counter. His arms were folded over his chest. He looked really grumpy. I wish he would just lighten up so we could have fun. I didn't want him ruining it.

"You just ate a few hours ago." he told me with a certain look in his eyes. "You should stick to eating when you're hungry. Otherwise you'll gain."

I went so speak when Marco entered the kitchen and glared at Cameron before he turned his back to me to look at me instead.

"I can go and see if Mr Diggory has got any food." my best friend offered with a soft smile. "Or I can get him to make us some pizza. Hawaiian, right?"

"That sounds delicious." I groaned with delight, causing Marco to chuckle. He glanced at Cameron before walking back out of the kitchen, heading for the entrance of the tent. Marco probably offered to get some Hawaiian pizza because that's the one Cameron hates and my best friend loves provoking Cam. Sometimes it's funny but other times it's annoying that he can't respect him. Right now, though, I just appreciate that Marco let's Cam stay here with us. "And you–"

I turned to Cameron and placed a hand on my hip as I watched him pay attention to my body language. "... you don't tell me when I can or cannot eat. Plus, I actually am hungry right now."

"Just trying to look out for you." he shrugged. "Being too fat is unhealthy."

I let out a dramatic sigh and leaned back against the opposite counter, facing him. I mimicked his actions of folding my arms over my chest which made him unfold his.

"Just like being too thin is unhealthy too." I told him, raising my eyebrows at him. I pushed myself away from the counter and left the kitchen. I headed straight for the bookshelf next to one of the chairs in the living room.

I hate when Cameron decides to comment on the things I eat or how much I weight. I'm really insecure when he decides to wrap an arm around my stomach or when he tries to lift me up. I'm scared he'll think I'm heavy and then make a comment about it.

I scanned the bookshelf after something I'd like to read. I had already read most of the titles but ended up going with one I had never read before. I was just going to read a little bit and then later I could go and explore the site with Marco and Cam if he was up for it.

Cameron joined me on the sofa as I read in the book. He lied down, his head on my lap and I played with his hair, letting go once in a while to turn to a new page.

"I'm sorry, baby." Cameron pouted, earning all my attention. I lowered the book onto my opposite thigh, then looked down at his face. "I was being an ass."

I shrugged.

"I could've told you that."

He didn't say anything else. By the time Marco came back, carrying a box of pizza, Cameron had fallen asleep.

"I just ran into the trio down by the pitch." He told me and walked over to put the pizza on the coffee table. "They were being very secretive. Stopped talking as soon as I walked by."

"Why were you down by the pitch?" I asked softly. I closed the book and placed it next to me, being careful not to move too much so I didn't wake up Cameron.

"I got distracted." He said with a cheeky grin. He opened the box of pizza and grabbed a slice before he went to sit in the chair by the bookshelf. He took a bite of the slice while I carefully leaned over to grab myself one. "I don't understand why you're dating that prick."

I looked at Marco when I heard him speak and frowned when I processed his words in my head.

"I like him."

"But do you love him?" He asked as I took a bite of my pizza slice. I frowned and shrugged, keeping my eyes on him while chewing.

"I've dated him for four months." I told him. "You can't expect me to know after that little time."

"I knew I loved William after two."


Did I tell you Marco is dating my older brother. They started dating during our fifth year and William's sixth.

"It's different." I shrugged. "It's like— Cam and I move one step forwards, then two back. I know I like him but I have no idea if I love him."

"When you say two step back, are you talking about comments like the one he made in the kitchen?" He asked. "When he hinted that you should slow down on the eating?"

I shrugged again instead of answering and took another bite of the slice in my hand.

"He doesn't mean it." I then said. "He sometimes say things he don't mean when he's grumpy."

"And you think that's okay?" Marco asked. "Because right now you're excusing his behavior and you make it sound like it's okay just because he doesn't mean it."

I ignored him. Deep down I knew Marco was right. I just hated admitting the truth and I hated the thought of Cameron being toxic like Marco had claimed he was on many occasions.

"If I ever catch him talking to you like that again, I will do more than glare at him." Marco told me, nodding towards Cameron. "You deserve so much better, love. You just don't know it — also, William is coming in the morning to watch the match with us."

I raised my eyebrows in surprise.

"He didn't mention that."

"Well, he actually didn't know until this morning and he's been staying at my place during the summer." Marco said. "So how exactly was he supposed to tell you?"

I opened my mouth to respond but then closed it again and instead took a bite of the pizza.

"Sometimes I wonder how you made Ravenclaw." he teased, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Do you wanna go explore after?" I asked. "We can let Cam sleep here and go find Ced."

Marco's lips spread into a huge smile as he nodded. "Sounds like a plan."

I was excited to see Ced again. I hadn't seen him since before the summer and he was one of my best friends. Alright, I only have two best friends — not many but he's one of them.

"You know, William hasn't fucked me for a good three weeks." Marco spoke, causing me to choke on the pizza in my mouth. "He's been too busy preparing for a new season of Quidditch to fuck my sorry ass."

"I don't— Marco." I sighed. "We've talked about this. I don't want to hear about you and my brothers sex life."

Marco fake-pouted at me, then dropped the expression as he looked me in the eye.

"You're just sad that I've had sex and you haven't."

I gasped dramatically and threw a pillow at him which causes him to shriek while he lifted a foot to kick it away when it came flying at his face.

"Fuck you." I said and stuck out my tongue at him. "You know exactly why I'm still a virgin."

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