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This is a really long one so I hope you enjoy it.


Cameron had been suspended for violence towards another student a.k.a, me. He wasn't allowed back until before Christmas so when he did get back, he'd have too much homework to have time to bother me

We were a couple of days away from the first task. I had been busy with all of my classes lately so I hadn't seen that much of George. We hadn't kissed again either, even though I really wanted to every time I saw him.

I hadn't been able to get the kiss out of my head. That happened at the start of November and now we were almost in December.

Cedric told us a couple of days ago that the first task was dragons. Potter had warned him about him so he was more prepared. Since then, Ced had been studying a lot to be even more prepared. He's trying to figure out a tactic to win the task.

Today was Friday and the task was on Sunday. Even now, Cedric was stuck in the library, looking into a thousand books while I just got out of class. I had an hour of history of magic with Professor Binns as the teacher. I've got that class along with Slytherin, but none of my friends and I usually sit with Cameron because he's got the class as well, though he's suspended, he's my ex and I absolutely hate him. There's no way you'll ever see me sit with him in class again.

Today I sat with Roger Davies, a guy from both my house and my year. He's nice. We haven't talked a lot in the five and a half years we've been at Hogwarts, but other than that, he does seem like a genuine guy.

Lunch was now so that's where I was headed and then I had a free lesson before I had Muggle studies for two hours.

Oh, also, Fred and George somehow managed to convince Professor McGonagall to let them add a class to their schedule. They won't take the NEWTs but they simply wanted to be in it for some reason. I'm in the same class. It's astronomy. That class is mixed between the houses and Cedric is in it too.

Marco hadn't had any classes today. Fridays are a class free day for him and so is William's so they've probably been spending it together in a courtyard somewhere. Those two idiots are already talking about getting married sometime after Hogwarts.

There's just one little detail...

Gay marriage is illegal in England. Actually, it's illegal everywhere. Marco once did research on it because he really wanted to be able to marry Will, but turns out that not one single country had made it legal. The world sucks.

Hopefully it'll be legal someday. Until then, they'll have to just live together and act married.

I don't understand why it has to be illegal. I mean, when did straight marriage have to be legalised? I can tell you that — never. It's always been okay for a straight couple to get married so it should be the same with two guys or two girls.

"Boo!" A voice came from behind me, causing me to jump. I had been way too gone in my own thoughts that I didn't notice three guys sneaking up on me.

George threw an arm around my neck while Fred walked on my other side with Lee next to him. That's a thing I have noticed though I haven't seen him much — George had definitely been more confident since our kiss in the boathouse.

What's more romantic than sharing your first kiss in a boathouse?

I laughed at my though, causing Fred and Lee to exchange a glance while George cocked an eyebrow.

"Something funny?"

"Nope." I shook my head. "But uh— don't ever sneak up on me again. I'm carrying a knife and one day I might be so frightened that I pull it at you."

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