Early Valentine's thing (prinxiety)

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TW: cussing

So pretend that it's a few day's before Valentine's Day.

High school au

{Third Person POV}

"Do you think Patton would like this?" Logan asked as he got out frosting, "Probably, he loves cookies and you, so to him it's a perfect combination" Janus said as he grabbed some glue, "Good point"

They continued working on what they were getting their boyfriend's, Janus was making a paper heart chain and was going to get a present too and Logan was making a batch of heart shaped cookies and got him a present.

The two were talking when they heard the door from downstairs slam open. "Is he already home?" Janus asked as he listened to what was happening downstairs, "Well it has to be him, who else would it be?" "Crap! C'mon we have to hide these" he stood, grabbing the paper chain he was working on and hiding it under his blankets.

"Um.. why?" Janus looked at him like he was stupid, "Because Vee hates Val-" "Don't say the V-word" Virgil said as he opened the door and went to his bed, sitting down, "You mean "virgin"?" He glared at Logan, "No, that one day a year that sells roses for way too much"

"Oh.. well why don't you like Valen-" "Don't say it!" "Okay... well why don't you like it?" "Logan!" "Wha-"

"Isaac Williams"


"His name was Isaac Williams"

"Okay.. what does Isaac have to do with this?"

Janus rolled his eyes, "Idiot, he liked him" "Don't call me an idiot" "Well you're acting like one"

"Hey Patt" he looked up, "Yeah?" "Do you know what I should get Jan?"

"You didn't get him anything?! What the hell Remus!" Sighing Remus turned to Roman, "I didn't ask you" "Well you should've, because I have to perfect idea" "Alright, what is it?" "Make him a card!"

"Oh, you mean what you're doing?"

"Well this is different"

"How's that?"

"Instead of normal Valentine colours these are his favourite colours"

"You mean the opposite of Valentine colours?"

"Well... yeah"

"Okay, well you can make your emo heart card thing, I'll figure out what I'm getting Jannie" "Shut up or I'll throw this glue gun at you" he smirked, "Do it then" "I can't, I'm using it" "Using it for that giant heart?"

"Shut up!" Laughing, he got up, "Okay, well I'm gonna go to the store, maybe I'll get an idea" "Yeah, whatever"

Roman went back to the card he was making, it was pretty big, and was shaped like a heart. Along the edge there was white lace, that he thought went pretty good with the black and purple glitter and paper.

Valentine's Day is one of Roman's favourite holiday because you get to celebrate love, and something he loves is love. (What is this sentence?)

"What did you get Lo?" Roman asked as he added more black glitter to the card, "Just a simple card and a present" "Nice. I'm hoping Vee will like my card" "Did he ever say that he likes you?" "Well... no, but I have hope"


The next day

Roman opened his locker, seeing dozens of little paper hearts fall out, "Oh! Well that's weird" "Maybe Vee got you one" Patton said from behind him, "You think so?" "Maybe" he scanned the cards, looking for any sign it was him.

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