Coffee Order (Logicality)

139 5 2

TW: cussing

College/coffee shop au

{Third Person POV}

Logan groaned in frustration, he had been studying since seven pm, it was now seven am, and thanks to the little amount of sleep he already gets, he felt horrible.

"Coffee break." Virgil yawned from next to him, he had been asleep for two hours, not being able to stay awake considering his sleep schedule was much worse than Logan's and he had given up on even attempting to stay awake.

"That, sounds wonderful." Logan said, marking the page of his textbook and shutting it. Virgil yawned again and out of habit Logan yawned himself, just noticing how tired he really was.

"You look like shit." Virgil said as Logan attempted to make himself look like a person with a normal sleep schedule. The two had put up their textbooks and laptops and after Virgil had gotten ready, he was now sitting on Logan's bed, waiting for him to get done.

"Shut up." Logan told him, and while yes, the bags under his eyes didn't help with looking presentable, he could hide those. "Virgil, may I use your make-up?" He asked and Virgil nodded, standing up and walking into his own room.

He came back with foundation and a make-up brush, "C'mere." He told him and Logan turned toward him for Virgil to apply the make-up.

Virgil did so and when finished, smirked. "Wow, you look like you didn't just study for twelve hours straight." He said and Logan rolled his eyes, a small smile on his face, "Nobody needs to know."

Virgil chuckled and went to go put his foundation back, Logan walking out and waiting for him by the front door of their shared apartment.

"So why is it are we going to a coffee shop when we can make coffee?" Virgil asked, walking out of his room. "A change of scenery could help, don't you think?" Logan asked, hand resting on the doorknob.

"Yeah, I guess." He said with a shrug.

When the two walked outside both flinched from the sunlight, considering their apartment usually had closed curtains.

Sunlight still got through, just... not a lot.

"I hate the sun." Virgil stated as the two walked into the coffee shop not far from their apartment. "Well no matter how much you hate it it's important." Logan told him.

"Why's that?" He questioned and Logan sighed, rubbing his temple, "Virgil, I do not have the mental state to explain why the sun is important. Now what do you want?"

"Coffee." Virgil said as the two approached the small line of other sleep-deprived students. "What kind of coffee, Virgil?" "Just.. coffee."

Logan sighed but nodded, "Fine. Black coffee it is." "Gross, no!" "Then what do you want?" "Um... iced coffee and a cookie." "Virgil, you cannot have a cookie at seven in the morning."

"Watch me." Virgil stated as the two moved forward in the line, now with only one person in front of them. "I swear, you do annoying things on purpose." "Look, I'm nine-fucking-teen, I can have whatever I want for breakfast."

"Well now you're just being dramatic." Logan said with a small smirk towards him.

The person in front of them had now received their order and now it was their turn. Logan, knowing Virgil could go from his usual smart ass self to someone much more nervous in front of other people, decided to take their orders.

"What kind of cookie?" He muttered over to the other, "Chocolate chip." Virgil said back and he nodded.

He looked up at the barista and immediately noticed something.

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