Hufflepuff and Slytherin (logicality)

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TW: my crappy writing, adorable fluff, and gayness

I know- cannonly Logan is a Ravenclaw. But I feel like he's more of a Slytherclaw but with a little  more Slytherin. So I decided to do that, but with logicality.

{Third Person POV}

Patton walked between the compartments on the Hogwarts Express, he didn't really know where to sit, his friend was sitting with his boyfriend and he didn't want to be the third wheel.

"Hello?" He said, opening the door to one, inside was a boy reading a book, "Do you mind if I sit with you?" He asked poking his head through. "Yeah, sure" Patton smiled, sitting across from him, "I'm Patton" he said, smiling. The other looked up from his book, "I'm Logan" he said, setting his book down, "So do you know what house you'll be in?"

Logan shrugged, "It seems my family has been in just about all the houses. My mum was in Griffindor, mother in Ravenclaw, and my sisters are both in Hufflepuff" "Really? Well all that's left is Slytherin huh?" "Yep, maybe I'll get that" "Well, I'm probably gonna get Ravenclaw, both my parents were in it, along with their parents" "Maybe you will" Logan said as the train slowed down.

The first years rowed down the lake, feeling the icy water hit their faces as the oars hit the black water below. "Can you guys stop making out and help us?" Patton asked Roman and Virgil, "We're not making out" Virgil said, grabbing his oar, "We were just kissing" "Intently" Logan muttered, causing a laugh to come out of Patton, "Hey! Stop telling jokes about us!"

When they finally got to the great hall they looked around in awe. The lights around them were brighter than the stars in the night sky, that just so happen to be on the ceiling. "That's beautiful" Virgil breathed out, staring up at them, "Yeah, they are" Patton said, looking up at them, "Did you know they put a spell to keep it like that?" Logan said, "My mom told me about it before I left"

They formed a line with the other first years behind Professor McGonagall, "First up is Abbott, Elizibeth" a girl with red hair walked up to the stool and sat down, letting McGonagall set the hat on her head, "GRIFFINDOR!" The hat announced after a few seconds.

Down the list she went, until she got to Logan's name, "Forrest, Logan" He walked over to the chair and sat down, feeling the hat hit his head, "Yes.." the hat murmured, "Quite the Ravenclaw, very hard working, oh! But you fit more in SLYTHERIN!"

Logan got up and walked over to the table, sitting down as someone else went up to the stool. Soon Virgil had got sorted into his house, which the hat couldn't decide on, so put him in Griffindor, "Sweets, Patton" Patton skipped up to the stool and sat down, feeling the weight of the hat on his head, "HUFFLEPUFF!" The hat said, surprising Patton.

Eventually Roman got to go up, getting Gryffindor. "Now this year, due to some, issues," she looked between Gryffindor and Slytherin, "Between two houses we will change the schedule to Ravenclaw with Gryffindor and Hufflepuff with Slytherin. We will also make rooms to one person because of some different issues with that"

Patton smiled over at Logan, who smiled back.


The next day they went off to potions, "So do you think we'll make any potions?" Patton asked, "No, I'm sure we'll just cover the things we'll learn" Logan said, walking next to him, "Besides-" he got cut off when he tripped over something, "Logan! Are you okay?" He asked, sitting next to him on the ground, "Yes, I'm fine, I just tripped over something"

"But there's nothing here" Patton said, helping him stand, "Yes, well I'm sure I just tripped over my feet than" he said, standing, only to fall again, "Okay, I'm starting to think this isn't on accident" he said, standing, falling once more, "Yeah, this is a spell of some kind" he said, sitting back down.

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