Camping (kinda both)

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TW: my crappy writing adorable fluff and gayness

Human/kid au

{Third Person POV}

Patton drove, hearing his son Virgil and his friend Roman talking about what they learned that day as his husband gave him directions on how to get to the campsite. "Hey dad" Virgil said, "What?" Patton said, stopping the car, "Did you know one plus one equals two?" Patton laughed, "I did not know that, did you?" Logan looked up from the map, "Know what?"

"One plus one equals two? Did you know that?" "Well of course-" he cut himself off at his husband's face, "I mean. No, I didn't know that" Virgil giggled, "But your a teacher!" "I am, but I'm a second grade teacher, they learned everything in first"

They got out, Virgil and Roman running ahead, "C'mon dad! You have to unlock the door!" Virgil said excitedly, "I want to show Roman my room!" Patton got out of the car, "I'm coming, I'm coming" he said, walking up to the door and unlocking it. They ran in, "C'mon Ro! I want to show you my walls! It's so pretty!"

They ran in and Roman smiled, "That's such a pretty colour!" He said, looking at the light pink walls, "I'm gonna ask my mom if I can paint my room to look like it" "Then it would match!" He said excitedly. "Kiddos! Come eat!" Patton said from downstairs, hearing them run down, "What are we having?" "Whatever you want" "Spaghetti?" Roman suggested. "Good idea"

Later they all went outside, it was twilight so they all made sure to stay on the patio, which was fairly big. "C'mon Ro! Me and dad made a treehouse last time! We can go up!" Next to the ledge there was a tree, it had a staircase leading up to the treehouse, it was pretty big, "Your dad made this?"

"Sort of. He made the staircase, but Uncle Remy had to do the house, he said it was because daddy couldn't make something even if it was a gingerbread house" "My mom says stuff like that about my Uncle" Roman said, standing by the edge, "So how do you get up?" Roman asked, "Easy! You just walk up the stairs" he said, demonstrating.

"But what if you fall?" "You won't" he said simply, "C'mon, I want to show you what it looks like" Roman looked over at it, feeling uneasy, "Well... okay" he jumped and smiled, "I didn't fall!"

Patton smiled up at them as they ran up the stairs, "I'm glad you put a railing there" "Of course I did, I'm not stupid" he sat next to him, "Here" he handed him a mug, "Thank you honey" he said, kissing him, "No problem"

Ten years later

"C'mon Virgil! You've done it a million times!" Virgil sighed, "But we're fifteen, we're much different now" he smirked, "I know. You used to like all kinds of colours, now it's black and purple" "Black isn't a colour!" Logan said from inside, "Whatever. Point is, you can do it" he sighed, going on the stairs, "There! Now come on!"

Patton smiled up at them from inside, "I remember when they were first climbing up there" "They were adorable" Logan said, sitting next to him, handing his mug to him, "Thank you" he smiled, grabbing a blanket and laying it over them, "How comfy"

Virgil leaned on his friend, "Do you remember when we saw our parents kiss and we decided we would" "Hm.. yeah" Roman said tiredly, "What age did we say?" "I think fifteen" "Yeah, guess we should"

Virgil smiled at him, "Yeah, I guess" he felt Roman's lips connect to his and smiled, "I see why now" he said when they pulled away.

I liked that one. It was kinda rushed but still, it was pretty good.



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