Lost (logicality)

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TW: kids getting lost, fear of something bad happening to said kids, sobbing and panicking (No panic attacks though)

I don't really know if the second one counts as a trigger, but I just wanted to include it because said bad things are rape and death and I know that can be very triggering for people.

High school au

{Third Person POV}

Patton looked around, panic setting in, Oh God, where are they? He asked himself, running through aisles in the store, almost falling over.


"Patton, dear?" He looked up from playing with his seven and five year old sisters, "Yeah?" "Would you mind babysitting your sisters?" "Of course!" He resumed playing with the two before realizing something.

"Wait, mom!" She stopped by the door, giving her son a confused look, "What?" "Roman invited me to go to the mall, we're supposed to meet in twenty minutes." "Could you take them with you?" "Well, yeah, I guess." she smiled at him, "Thank you dear." she said, kissing his hair, "No problem mom."

She left, Patton going back to the living room and sitting next to his sisters, texting Roman.

Patton-cake💙: RoRo?

Princey👑: yeah?

Patton-cake💙: my mom left for work so I have to bring Aydan and Lili with us to the mall

Princey👑: thats fine! I'll see you there

Patton-cake💙: see ya!:D

He looked over at his sisters, seeing them on a blanket watching the T.V., "Aydan?" The seven year old turned around, "Wanna go to the mall?" She nodded excitedly, "Great! Go get a dress for you and Lili!" She stood and ran into the girls shared room, grabbing two dresses.

She came back and handed them to Patton, "Alright, which ones yours?" "That one!" She pointed at a rose pink dress with white hearts all over it.

After the two were dressed he grabbed his phone, "Ready?" The two nodded, "Alright, let's go."

They got to the mall and Patton seen Roman standing by a store, "Hi Aydan!" She waved, "Hi!" He crouched down in front of the two, "Hi Lili!" She waved shyly, Roman smiling. "Okay, first store!"

They walked in, Aydan quickly running to a shelf with stuffed animals, "Look! Unicorns!" Patton looked, seeing her holding one, "Can I have it Patty??" She asked, bouncing up and down, "Sure! Lili, do you want one?" She nodded and walked over, picking up a stuffed racoon.

"Okay, so you know that boy who calls me Princey all the time?" "Virgil? Yeah." "Well, he has a friend who I think you would pair well with." "You're setting me up with someone?" "Well only if you want to! But I'm just saying you two would be a cute couple"

Aydan turned to her sister, "Why'd you get a racoon?" She asked, "I dunno." she responded, shrugging. "Hm.. okay!" She looked around, "Where'd Patty go?" Lili shrugged again, "Do you think he left?" "Maybe."

"Let's go find him!" She exclaimed, grabbing her arm and walking around the store.


Which is why Patton is now in his current situation, looking for his little sisters in a huge mall, where they could be anywhere.


He turned, "Yeah, Ro?" "Please try to calm down, where do they like to go at the mall?" "Um... well, there's that candy store..." "Let's go look there then!"

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