Oblivious (Logicality)

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TW: oblivious Logan, my crappy writing, adorable fluff, and gayness

Human au where their all roommates.

{Third Person POV}

"Hey Logan" he looked up from his phone, "Yes, Patton?" "I'm no photographer but I can picture us together" "But you are a photographer..?" He said, confused.

Darn, he forgot about that.

"Okay, here's another: Hi, I'm Microsoft, can I crash at your place?"  "That was good, but we're already roommates"

Darn, he failed again.


"Logan come here!" Logan ran in, "What's wrong?" "Oh, sorry, I thought you were in here" "Why would you think that?" "Because your so hot I burned my hand" he said, flashing a  grin at him. "Your such a goof" he said, leaving the kitchen

Later in the day Patton walked in and seen him sitting on the couch, "Ya know what?" "What?"  "If you come to my lab I can prove the Big Bang isn't just a theory" "But studies haven't proven that" "Oh, right. Nevermind" he said, leaving the room.

Patton sighed, laying on the couch, he was tired of giving him hints, "What's the matter?" Virgil asked, walking by, "I'm tired" "Of what?" "Logan" Virgil shrugged, "Whatever" he said, leaving the room. Patton laughed, "Your not even gonna ask why?" "I mean, if you want me to know" he said, walking back in, "Okay, you know how I like Logan?" "Of course" "Well, I've been dropping hints but he just doesn't get them"

"That must suck. But maybe you could just drop more obvious hints" "Yeah, maybe I could" he said, "Thanks kiddo"

Patton walked into Logan's room, "Hey Lo?" Logan looked up from his book, "Yes?" "If you were a veggie ya know what kind you'd be?" "Um... no, what kind?" "A cute-cumber" Patton said, grinning, "But cucumbers are a fruit" Logan pointed out.

"Oh..." Patton thought for a second, "Okay, how about this one: your as sweet as 3.14" Logan chuckled, "That was good" Patton beamed, "Okay, I have another, if you were words on a page you'd be what they call fine print" Logan laughed again, "I like that one" 'Okay, he still hasn't caught on' he thought, trying to think of another.

"I have a science one for you" "Okay, let's hear it" Logan said, setting his book down, "Are you made of copper and telluriam? Because your cute" he said, causing a grin to go across the others face. "Are you a library book? Because I can't stop checking you out" "When do you come up with these?" Patton shrugged, "I get bored a lot"

"Well do you have anymore?" Patton nodded, "I have one more" "Okay, what is it?" "Your lips look so lonely, would they like to meet mine?" He said, leaning forward, "W-what?" "Well?" "Yeah, sure"

Patton smirked and leaned more, kissing him softly, "You finally took a hint" he whispered when they pulled away.

Hoped you liked that, I did, it didn't turn out bad so that's always good. Honestly these pick up lines were hilarious.



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