Breakfast in Bed (logicality)

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Human/Genderbent au

Logan- Lyla

Patton- Poppy

{Third Person POV}

Poppy mixed together the waffle mix, getting some on the counter, hands, and clothes, but that was fine, she could just clean it up when she finished. She finished mixing it and lifted the top of the small, pink, heart-shaped wafflemaker her wife got for her and spooned some batter in.

While she let it sit she walked to the cabinet, grabbing a plate and mug, placing them on the little table she found. She then walked back to the wafflemaker, seeing the red light on the top was on, meaning the waffle was done. She grabbed her spatula, flipping it onto the plate.

She did that a few more times until she figured she put enough on the plate, and grabbed a stick of butter. Using a butter knife she cut little squares, placing them ontop of the waffles; like in cartoons. When she was done with that she grabbed the coffee pot, pouring coffee into the black mug.

She also grabbed some syrup and creamer, she loves her wifes and was planning on putting them on herself, but she was specific on how much syrup and creamer she liked and she didn't want to mess it up. She grabbed the little table, walking up the stairs to their bedroom.

Lyla sat on the bed, she had woken up only a few minutes ago, so she was still in her pyjamas, but did have her glasses on and was reading one of her books.

She heard someone walk in and looked up from her book, seeing her wife walking into their room, seemingly trying to stay quiet.

"Dear, what are you doing?" Poppy jumped at hearing her wife, she thought she was still asleep. She almost dropped the little table, but luckily she caught it, although some coffee did spill on the carpet. "We'll put a plant over it." She said, Lyla giving a small smile at what she said.

"So, what are you doing?" Lyla asked again as Poppy shut the door with her foot, "I made you breakfast!" She said excitedly, walking over to the bed and sitting across from her. "..In bed?" Lyla asked, confused.

"Yep!" "But.. why would I have waffles and coffee in our bed?" Poppy smiled, "It's just fun!" "If you say so." Poppy handed her the little table, "I didn't put syrup on the waffles or cream in the coffee, I know you only like a certain amount." Lyla smiled to herself, "Well I'm glad you remembered."

"Of course I did." Lyla smiled again before frowning, noticing her wife didn't bring any for herself, "Dear, did you eat?" She asked. "No, not yet." Lyla took the syrup, pouring some on the waffles before taking her fork and knife, cutting each waffle in half perfectly, leaving them as half of hearts before cutting those too.

"Here." She held her fork out for Poppy, who gave her a confused stare, "Eat it." Lyla clarified. "But it's for you." "I know, but I want you to have some." Poppy smiled before taking a bite.

The two ate, happily talking about what to do that day.

531 words

I actually really like this one. Also, my mom got that wafflemaker for when my sister wants waffles (which is all the time) and I made some for her this morning.



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