Ballroom Dancing (Logicality)

135 2 1

Victorian au

{Third Person POV}

"Lo, am I even allowed to do anything?"

Logan sighed and readjusted his glasses, the light from the chandeliers bouncing off the lenses and hiding his tired eyes for a split second.

He opened his mouth and Patton half-expected for him to give up on keeping him over by the windows and let him wander around, though he didn't, instead doing what seemed to be the complete opposite. "First of all, that's not my name. Second, no. Your father specifically stated that yo-"

"That's not fair, I at least want to dance!" Patton exclaimed and Logan gestured for him to quiet down, putting his pointer finger up to his closed lips.

"Patton, please quiet down, you're going to cause a ruckus." He told the other, removing his finger from his lips and instead using his hand to gesture to the rest of the ballroom.

"Besides, there are no more women to dance with you."

Patton huffed, crossing his arms over his neatly pressed outfit, Logan immediately reaching over and removing his arms, smoothing down his vest and jacket.

"You're going to ruin this if you keeping crossing your arms." He said as he finished smoothing the outfit, adjusting the other's pearl white cravat when he did.

Patton sighed once again, "Why do I even have to dance with a girl?" He asked and Logan looked up from tightening the cravat and at Patton, locking eye contact between the two.

"Why do you ask so many questions?"

Patton throught for a moment, Logan looking back down and deciding that Patton's tie looked close enough to perfect and letting go of it.

"I don't know." Patton decided, crossing his arms and creasing his outfit right after Logan had fixed it. "I guess I'm just curious." He added with a shrug, Logan going back and smoothing his jacket.

"That would make sense." Logan said, backing away after he finished. Again.

Once he did Logan stood by one of the large windows again, Patton standing next to him as the song ended, reverting back to slow music.

As the soft opening of a piano started, followed by gentle string music drifted through the large room, the clacking from shoes made a rhythmic sound against the hardwood floor.

The two watched as pairs, each one a man and a woman, elegantly danced across the room, petticoats gliding just above the floor and tailcoats swiftly swinging through the air.

Patton smiled at seeing one man dip a woman, breaking the cycle of how everyone else was dancing, the woman letting out a light laugh as she was brought back up, the smile staying on her face as they continued, not going in the same order as everyone else.

He found it cute. The genuine, happy smiles on both of their faces contrasted with everybody else's composed smiles, or even no smiles at all.

He wanted that.

"Logan," he began, Logan turning and looking over in a silent reply, fixing his glasses as he did.

"You never answered my question." He said with a playful smile, facing Logan.

"Which one?" Logan asked as Patton propped his own glasses up on his nose.

"Why do I have to dance with a girl?" He repeated and Logan sighed, looking back ahead at the rest of the guests.

"You just have to Patton, okay?"

"But they're all dancing! How can I possibly dance with a girl if they're already dancing?" Patton said and Logan sighed for what felt like the millionth time that night, putting his hand up and massaging his temple with his fingers as he turned back to Patton.

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