Pumpkin Spice (Logicality)

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TW: Kinda spoilers for the Dear Evan Hansen book? But nothing else, pure fluff.

College au

{Third Person POV}

Patton wrapped his knitted sky blue scarf around his neck as he walked outside of his apartment building and out into the crisp, autumn air, his glasses beginning to fog up from his breath circulating on his scarf.

He didn't mind though and continued walking down the street, orange and red and yellow leaves crunching under his beige, faux fur boots with each step.

He listened happily with each crunch, deliberately stepping on leaves just to hear the satisfying noise as he walked, which delayed where he was going by a few minutes.

Though after a few more minutes of walking he soon arrived at his location, a small coffee shop colored a warm melon orange with mustard yellow accents outside, it was decorated with pumpkins on the windowsills with carvings and paintings on them, left over from Halloween just a few days ago.

The big twin windows showed the inside of the shop perfectly, the fairy lights inside creating a warm glow for the few people inside.

He smiled at seeing who he was looking for, he was sitting at a two person table, his bag on the ground close to the wall, reading a book Patton didn't recognize, the small menus from the shop in front of him, one at the spot where Patton was going to sit.

He grinned and walked inside, being met with a much warmer temperature, his glasses fogging up even more.

He smelled pumpkin spice too, lots of it. Pumpkin spice pancakes, pumpkin spice lattes, and pumpkin spice candles, he also seen pumpkin spice cookies, cakes, and other sweets in the display case by the counter.

He loved it, he didn't think it was too much at all, it was just perfect.

He walked over to where he seen Logan, who was still reading his book and had his own scarf on the back of his chair, the one Patton had made him as soon as autumn began.

He gave all their friends one, but on Logan's, which was a deep navy blue, he added on a small pink heart at the bottom of it.

He remembered when Logan first noticed it, which was almost immediately, he blushed almost the exact shade of pink and put it on, showing off the small heart for others to see, yet not saying a word about it.

He was also had his black pea coat draped over the chair, the one that, when Patton first saw, had called a Sherlock jacket.

It also looked scratchy on the outside, which Patton didn't like when trying to give Logan a hug, but he also knew it was soft on the inside because of a time Patton had forgotten his and Logan given him his own.

He continued staring at Logan for a moment, watching him become totally immersed in his book and the storyline, his face resting atop his hand, which was propped up as he flicked to the next page.

Patton snapped out of his little staring situation and smiled, sitting across from Logan and slipping his scarf and jacket off, draping then over the back of the chair like Logan had.

"Why were you staring at me for two and a half minutes?" Logan asked, looking up at Patton, who's face tinted a light shade of pink.

"I dunno," he answered eventually, shrugging and looking over to the side. Logan just look so invested in his book, his eyes scanning the words and black framed glasses of his slipping down just a bit, it was cute.

Logan smiled and put his bookmark in on the page he was on, shutting the book.

"Alright, well why don't you look at the menu and see what you want? I already looked over it myself." He said, pushing his glasses up and putting his book in his bag.

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