Sunrise (Logicality)

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Human au

{Third Person POV}

"Lo, wake up." Patton whispered to his husband, tapping the tip of his nose lightly.

"What is it, dear?" Logan asked, opening his eyes and seeing that Patton was fully awake, glasses on and hair brushed neatly.

"It's a surprise, c'mon!" Patton took the other's hand, helping him sit up.

"Wait, where are my gla-"

Logan cut himself off, his vision suddenly becoming clearer thanks to Patton slipping his glasses on.

"There you go, now c'mon!" Patton rushed the two off the bed and guided Logan to the front door.

"Patton, we can't go anywhere, we're still in our pyjamas." Logan stated as Patton unlocked the door.

"We can go in our yard." He said as he opened the door, "Patton, the sun's barely up." He pointed out, looking up at the pale blue sky.

"I know!" Patton chirped as he took Logan over to the porch swing and sat down.

"Then why are we outside?" Logan asked, sitting next to Patton. "You'll see."

The two then sat in silence as the sun began to rise slowly, illuminating the sky with orange and pink, creating a glare on the two's glasses.

"Is this why you brought me outside?" Logan asked, turning to look at Patton, who was still watching the sunrise with a wide smile on his face.

"Yep!" Patton turned over to the other, "Isn't it pretty?"

Logan smiled, "Yeah, it is."

300 words

I woke up at four thirty this morning and I'm now excitedly waiting for the sun to fully rise because it just looks so pretty once it does.

Though currently all my siblings are asleep, y'know, like normal people, and the silence is pretty nice.

Until they wake up and start annoying me.




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