Sunlight (Day 3)

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This one is going to be Logicality because it seems like I haven't wrote it in a while. It's also like one of my favourite ships

Human au

{Third Person POV}

Logan sat with his boyfriend, they were having a picnic, well, it was sort of a picnic, they were behind his house, but he had a big backyard so it worked out. He watched him laugh at a dad joke he told, Logan admired him for a few seconds, he loved how the sunlight would shine off of his glasses.

"So how was your day sweetie?" Patton asked, "It was fine, how was yours?" Patton beamed, "It was great! Someone adopted another dog, and a lovely couple adopted a cat" "Oh really?" He nodded, "The couple said that they already had two cats but they wanted a third" Logan laughed, "That sounds like you"

Patton grinned, "Your right, your right"

The two went inside when it started to get dark, being greeted by Logan's puppy, "Hi Dot! Who's a good girl? You are!" He said, petting her behind her ears, "You talk to her like she's a baby" Logan pointed out. "She is! She's our baby!" That comment made him blush a little, "Yeah, I guess so, but we better go to bed"

"Good idea, I'm getting pretty tired" "I could tell" Logan said, putting their stuff away, "Do you want me to carry you?" He asked, seeing his boyfriend's expression change from happy to sleepy "Could you?" Logan chuckled and lifted him, "There, better?" "Much" Patton whispered, snuggling into the crook of his neck, "I love you" he whispered sleepily, "I love you more" he said, laying him down, "I love you more than coconut cream pie" Patton said as he fell asleep.


Logan woke up to see Patton sitting on top of him, sunlight hitting his face perfectly, "Are you a new sleep paralysis demon?" Patton giggled, "No, it's your favourite angel!" "Oh, so the opposite?" "Yep! C'mon I have plans for us today" he said, getting up and going to the kitchen.

The two had a great day, it was perfect.

First they had the breakfast Patton made, then they went for a walk around the park with Dot. For lunch they had another picnic in the backyard, then Logan read his favourite book to Patton as they laid down in the grass.

"Logan?" "Yes love?" Patton sat up, "You love me right?" "Of course I do" "Okay, so I've been thinking," he stood up, taking Logan's hand, "I hate your name"

"What? What's wrong with the name Logan? It's a very common name, I knew at least two in school" "No, not your first name, I love that one" "My middle name?" Patton laughed, "No, I like that one, it's your last name"

"My last name? What's wrong with it?" "I don't like it. I think it would sound better with mine" "You think it sounds better with..." He thought for a second, "O-oh... You mean," he nodded, "Will you?" Logan nodded, "Of course I will!" He said, wrapping his fianće in a hug, causing them to fall over.

Logan looked at his fianće, admiring how the sunlight hit his face just right, looking like a real angel.

I guess that was okay, I kinda like how it came out. I don't think I used the word all that much, at least not as much as I wanted to.



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