Heros and Villains (logicality)

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Patton Sweet, works at a lab as an assistant for a scientist named Logan Forrest, his powers include: super senses, healing, talking to animals, and teleportation

Logan Forrest, works at a lab as a scientist, his powers are: reading other people's thoughts, super speed, X-ray vision, and moving things with his mind

Third Person POV

"Darn it!" Patton said, running down his apartments stairs and outside. He was going to be late for work, again. Why was he going to be late? Because thanks to having super senses he had the feeling that someone was going to rob the bank at midnight, we're he was right then and tired now. When he got there he was ten minutes late and still had to put his stuff up.

"I'm here!" Patton said, running into the lab he always goes to. To his surprise Logan wasn't there either "Sorry I'm late" Logan said walking in while putting on his coat, "I couldn't get to sleep last night" "Me too" Patton said 'Well, technically it's not lieing' he thought. "What are we working on today?" He asked getting a clipboard "The possibility of people having powers" "O-oh" Patton said, trying to act calm.

"Yes it should be interesting" Logan said, reading off of the paper "Lets get started"

{Time skip to the end of the day}

"So in conclusion it possible for humans to have powers" Patton  wrote down for Logan. "Okay all done!" Patton said handing the clipboard to Logan "I'll see you tomorrow Lo!" "See you tomorrow Patton" Logan said "and be careful it's raining hard"

"I'll be fine, besides I don't drive to work anyway" Patton said taking off his coat and walking out the door. "Well do you have an umbrella?" Logan asked following close behind "No, but I'll be fine" "Is it okay if I let you use mine?" He asked "I don't want you to get wet" Patton said now at the door to the pouring rain outside "I'll walk with you then" Logan said, grabbing a dark blue umbrella.

They started walking and talking "So how did you know that some humans have powers?" Patton asked. "Well, you know how people are good at certain things?" Patton nodded, "Well, those are the powers. They didn't specify powers or superpowers" Logan said smiling.

"So people can't actually have powers?" "Of course not" Logan lied, he knew that people have powers, or at least he did. "Patton!" They turned toward Patton's door and seen somebody wearing a black and purple jacket and black eyeshadow.

"Virgil!" Patton said back running up to the steps and giving him a big hug, "What are you doing here?" He asked pulling away "Movie night remember?" Virgil said "That's right!" Patton said "But first meet Logan! He walked home with me" Virgil looked at him "So your Logan" he said "Your right Patton he does look like he could solve any problem" "Thank you" Logan said glancing over to Patton, who was blushing.

"Well it's true" Patton said "I'm glad you feel that way" Logan said smiling at how Patton blushed even more. "Just kiss already" Virgil said looking at the two "Virgil!" Patton scolded, blushing harder now "What?" Virgil asked innocently. "Actually Patton would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow night?" Logan asked "O-oh s-sure!" Patton stuttered out. "Great, I'll see you then" and he left.

"Virgil!" Patton whined "Why'd you do that?" "Do what? Help you get a date?" Virgil said sitting down on the couch.

{Time skip to the next day}

Patton woke up at 9:30 and went to go make breakfast. Luckily he didn't have work today so he could do whatever he wanted, like make cookies, watch some TV, defeat villains, stress about his date with Logan.

That's right, he thought, remembering the events of last night "I wonder what I should wear" he thought outloud.

{Logan's POV}

I woke up and went into the kitchen and started making breakfast, "I can't believe I'm going on a date with Patton" I said aloud, thinking I was alone.

"You have a what with who?!" Roman, my roomate, said in disbelief I sighed, "A date with Patton" "Patton.... oh! Patton Sweets?" Roman said getting a bowl out "Yes, how do you know his last name?" "His friend Virgil told me about him and his massive crush on you" "Oh... I guess that's nice to know" "Yep" he said, getting the cereal out "and put that cereal back I'm making breakfast"

{Time skip to later}

{Third person POV}

"What do you think I should wear V?" Patton asked over the phone later that night "Uh... maybe that light blue button up with a bowtie and your white blazer" Virgil said, "And maybe style your hair to where it looks messy but neat" "You mean how it looked at Sam's wedding?" "Yeah"

Patton soon hung up to get dressed, and then did his hair. When he was almost done doing that he heard a knock on the door, "Just a sec!" When he had completely finished he went to the door and seen Logan wearing a black button-up with a blue tie and blazer with his dark hair slicked back.

"Hi Lo! Are you ready to go?" No answer, "Lo?" He looked up, "O-oh, sorry Patton, yes I'm ready to go" he said, putting out a hand. Patton took it and they walked down the street, holding hands and going to a restaurant. Everything's going to be fine, right?


I tried, but I'll probably have to make a part two for this. I hope you liked it, cause I didn't all that much. (Also, Logan didn't read Patton's mind because he can control when he uses his powers and he doesn't want to just read people's minds all the time)



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