...Date? (Logicality)

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Human au

TW: Gay shit and stupid people

{Third Person POV}

Logan drummed his fingers on his car's steering wheel, nervous as a familiar figure approached the car's passenger seat, opening the door. "Hey, Lo!" Patton shut the car door and began putting on his seatbelt as Logan continued staring straight ahead, trying to not let his anxiety show as it slowly creeped up.

"Lo?" Logan turned to Patton, who had a smile on his round face. He was still in his work attire, a white apron over his emerald green work shirt, name embroidered in a light green on his chest. He had a confused look paired with his smile, as usually Logan greeted him with his calm, sweet smile and a Hello Patton. Or a How was work? or once in a blue moon, I got you something.

"You good, Lo? Something seems different." Logan shook his head, "No, I'm fine. I just..." He gently nawed at his lip, something he knew he shouldn't do and scolded his friends for. He looked to the left too, as looking directly in Patton's eyes could be overwhelming. Not because he was intimidating, but because whenever he looked in those beautiful blue eyes he wanted to spill all his secrets. Tell him every little thing he knew.

"You just... what?" Patton was still more confused than ever, smile shrinking once he noticed how apprehensive the other was about... something. Patton didn't know what.

"I was just wondering if, perhaps, you'd like to... come over to my apartment for dinner Friday? You don't have to though-" Logan cut himself off once he seen Patton's wide, crooked smile, showing his dimples and the little creases by his eyes. He didn't look uncomfortable at the idea, or annoyed, or disgusted, he looked... happy. Excited.

Logan didn't even realize he was holding his breath until he let it out, a deep, relieved sigh as Patton responded. "Lo I would love to have dinner with you! Do I need to bring anything? Oh! Do I need to dress up?" Logan smiled at Patton's excitement, his anxiety melting away as he realized that this was Patton, who could never hurt any of his friends purposely. Patton, who barely even understood the word adultery meant, who was the sweetest person Logan had ever met.

Not to mention how happy Logan was! He can't believe Patton agreed to have this date with him, he was scared that he didn't return his feelings... but now he's more than happy. He's smiling and can feel a blush creeping up to his cheeks, rather than the anxiety he felt before.

"Well you don't need to bring anything Patton, I'm treating you to this dinner, and yes this is a more sophisticated dinner than when we have dinner with Roman and Virgil. Though it's still casual, I believe the term is smart casual." Patton nodded, making mental notes as Logan spoke. Logan smiled at this, he was adorable when he was focused on something. You could practically see the cogs in his head turning.

"Okay... oh, but one more question." Patton said as he pulled out his phone, seemingly to put the date in his calendar. "What is it?" Logan asked as he started the car, the engine coming to life and the radio turning on from when Logan let Roman borrow it.

"What time should I come over?"

Logan thought. "Come over at six thirty."


Logan had decided to make marry me chicken for dinner, already dropping subtle hints to Patton via food. With it was a side of roasted asparagus with white wine or pomegranate juice, as he knew Patton has never drank alcohol, despite being thirty and going to bars all the time with his friends, though that was usually as a designated driver. That was fine though, Logan didn't care what Patton drank.

The chicken had taken around twenty minutes and while he was cooking the asparagus he heard a knock on his apartment door. He recognized it immediately as Patton's, which, yes, sounded weird but Patton knocked this certain tune that was was similar to the opening of Jingle Bell Rock that nobody else he knew did.

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