Kisses (Logicality)

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TW: A guy wearing lipstick? Idk if that'd be triggering though.

Roommate au

{Third Person POV}

Patton walked out of the kitchen, he had just finished making dough for cookies and decided to watch T.V. while it was in the refrigerator, as he knew it'd take awhile for it to be just right.

When he walked into the living room he seen his gorgeous boyfriend sitting on the couch and reading a book, legs crossed as he sat and back straight and rigid, the way he always sat, even in bed.

There was sunlight flooding from the window and around him, a slight glare on his glasses as he looked down. He was wearing casual clothes as well, which was rare for him.

But Gods, Patton loved him. He just looked so perfect, brown hair falling down and by his face, showing just how intently he was reading, eyes scanning the paper from behind his glasses.

He was just too perfect to Patton, so smart and sweet and adorable and just- Gods he's sure he's going to combust from how overwhelmed he was by the love he held for the other.

As he watched Logan flick to the next page of his book he felt the familiar need to kiss the other, something that happened every morning after Logan woke up and every afternoon he got home from work and every night before the two went to sleep.

And of course he wanted to act of the urge, so he walked in front of him and ever-so-gently cupped his face, lifting his head and pressing a light kiss to his lips.

Logan smiled at the surprise, kissing back briefly before pulling away, "What was that for?" He asked with a soft smile, Patton still holding his face in his hands, caressing his cheeks with his thumbs.

"I just looooove you!" He exclaimed, stretching out the word for dramatic effect, Logan laughing quietly and pulling his face from Patton's grasp.

"I love you too dear." Logan replied, Patton swooning at the name Logan always used as he flopped down next to him.

Logan calmly looked back down at his book, assuming Patton would turn on the T.V. to pass time as he happily leaned his head against his shoulder.

Though few minutes of silence passed and Patton used his right arm to wrap around Logan and pull his face closer, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

Logan's face bloomed into a shade of red Patton wasn't able to name, but it suited him so well he did it again. And again. And again. And one more time before Logan sighed, turning to face him.

"I'm busy, you know." He said in an attempt to sound annoyed, but his red blush and wide smile completely ruined it.

"No you're not! You've read that a trillion times already." Patton replied, gesturing to the book. Logan sighed again, turning back to said book and uncrossing his legs before crossing them again and trying to stop the burning on his face as he tried to find the sentence he was on before Patton decided to completely turn his brain into mush.

He found it and resumed reading, focusing back on the story before Patton pressed another gentle kiss on his cheek, their glasses bumping together briefly before he pulled away again.

And Gods Logan just knew his face was more red than Roman's entire room, and that was saying alot.

He felt that familiar floating feeling he got when even thinking about Patton. That familiar feeling of feeling dizzy and light-headed but in a good way, a way that made him happier than he could ever imagine and that could make him do anything Patton asked in a heartbeat. A feeling he never wanted to stop.

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