Train Ride (logicality)

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Based off that one episode of The Big Bang Theory that I can't remember the name of because I haven't watched it in two years.

It's the one where Sheldon and Amy go on that train ride.

TW: a little bit of mad Patton

Human au

{Third Person POV}

Patton sighed, watching as Logan talked to his new friend, Virgil and Roman sitting across from him. "Why did you invite him over?" Virgil asked his husband, pointing over at Logan's new friend, Eric, "I was trying to be nice!" He whisper-shouted.

"Well now there's two of them!"

Eventually Logan turned to Patton, who perked up, "Isn't this day amazing? I'm starting to hope it doesn't end." Patton slumped back down, rolling his eyes, "Yeah, seems like it's been going on forever."

The other noticed something was wrong and inspected his facial expressions, "Is something bothering you, Patton?"

Patton looked up at him, glaring, "Is something bothering me?" He asked, standing up, "Yes something is bothering me!"

"We should probably go." Virgil whispered, "We can go to the skylight and look at the stars." Roman suggested. "Oh that's so romant-" Virgil seen Patton's face and stood up quickly, "Let's just go." He said, taking his husband's hand and walking out of the cart with him.

"Well what's bothering you?" Logan asked, also standing up, "This was supposed to be a romantic weekend!" He told him, "Well this trip is supposed to be something we both enjoy." He countered.

"Well, well I may have tricked you!" He confessed, noticing the other's face change, "I'm sorry, but I deserve romance Lo!"

"Romance? Fine, I'll give you romance." He looked around, picking up a glass of wine, "Look, wine, that's romantic!" He downed the purple drink, making a disgusted face.

"It's like burning grape juice." He commented, setting it back on the table, "Let's see, what else is romantic? Oh! Gazing into each others eyes!" He looked the other in the eyes and Patton blinked from surprise of having him so close.

"You blinked!" Logan said, backing away, "What else? That's right! Kissing! That's romantic!" He leaned down, kissing the other.

The two froze, not knowing what to do. Patton eventually started kissing back, Logan doing the same and wrapping his arms around him.

The two pulled away soon, staying close. "..that was nice." Patton whispered after a few seconds, "Good." Logan replied quietly, smiling at him. "The conductor said he'd show me how they deal with a grade crossing." He added in the same tone.

"You can go." Patton whispered again, still stunned about the kiss. "No, I'm inviting you." Patton smiled to himself, "Okay, let's go then."

Logan held his hand out and Patton took it, the two walking out of the cart.

"Guys, wait for me!" Eric yelled, following after the couple.


Logan carried his things into his apartment, seeing Janus sitting on the couch. "How was your trip?" He asked, looking up from his book, "Wonderful. I met someone who likes trains as much as I do, kissed Patton on the lips, and watched the conductor play his banjo."

"Oh? Um, any details?" He asked, surprised about the kissing Patton part.

"Well my new friend's name is Eric, Patton's lips tasted like the chocolate brownie we had for dessert, and the conductor was missing a finger, but he made up for it with his can-do attitude."

"Do you have a favorite?" Janus asked. Logan thought about his question, "Well I'd say I need to collect additional data." Janus smirked, "Right." He said, looking back down at his book.

600 words

I found it!

This is the oneshot that I couldn't find but I did!


I really love the show this is based off of, but it's been way too long since I've watched it, unfortunately.



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