Cuddles (Logicality)

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TW: my crappy writing adorable fluff (seriously though, it's really fluffy) and gayness

Human au

{Third Person POV}

Patton was sitting on his and his husband's bed, he was reading Wonder, it was a really good book, and the movie was really good too, he enjoyed it. He was reading that, and was in his cat onesie, along with a mug of cocoa he was really comfortable, considering he was leaning on his bedpost.

He heard the door from downstairs open and heard his husband come up the stairs and open the room to their door.

"Hi honey, how was-" he got cut off by him running up to the other and wrapping his arms his torso, "Is there something wrong?" He shook his head, "I just missed you that's all" Patton smiled and wrapped his arms around him, "I missed you too"

"No, I really, really missed you" "Honey are you sure nothing's wrong?" He nodded, lifting his head, "I'm sure" "Well why did you miss me so much?" He sighed, "I don't know... I felt really emotional today and just wanted to cuddle with you"

"Well you should have just said so" he said, setting his mug on the table next to them, "Go change" Logan looked at him oddly, "Why..?" Patton laughed, "Just do it"

Logan walked out and Patton quickly set up, he got out their fluffiest blanket, turned on their favourite show, and grabbed as many pillows he could find, setting them on the bed.

"Is this what you meant by 'get dressed'?" Logan asked, going back in their room in his unicorn onesie, "Yep!" Patton said, sitting on the bed, opening his arms. Logan smiled and laid down, hearing Patton's heart beat, "I'm sleepy" he said, flipping them to where Patton was on the edge and Logan was facing him.

"Mkay, we should go to sleep" he said, wrapping their blanket around them, "Okay, good night" he leaned forward and kissed him, feeling him kiss back, he really did love him, more than anything.

They fell asleep peacefully, hearing the show Patton put on playing.

I was short, but I liked it, super fluffy, and yes, I'm starting to put what songs I'm listening to while writing this now, don't judge my music taste, trust me, it's weird.



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