Movie Theater (Prinxiety)

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TW: like... two cuss words

College au

{Third Person POV}

Virgil grumpily sat in his chair, arms crossed as he pouted, much like a small child would.

"Vee, the movie's about to begin!" Patton whisper-shouted to the other, and sure, it was dim in the theater, but Virgil could clearly see the excitement glistening in his eyes as he spoke.

"Patton, there's a million ads before the actual movie plays." Virgil stated, uncrossing his arms and looking at him.

"Also, you don't need to whisper, we're the only ones in the theater." He gestured over to all of the empty seats.

"Well it feels weird talking normally in a theater." Patton said in a normal tone.

"What's weird is that we're college students and we're watching a movie made for kids." Virgil muttered, crossing his arms again.

It was true, the only reason the group were at the movie theater was because Patton wanted to watch The Boss Baby: Family Business and had somehow convinced them all.

Well it was actually quite easy to convince them when he thought about it.

Patton had a knack for convincing Logan to do things, such as get to bed at a good time, plus tests had ended so it's not like they really had anything else to do.

Roman is basically Patton with a few changes here and there, and he was immediately on board with the idea, though was a tad dissapointed that they weren't seeing Cruella.

Virgil didn't want to be home alone, so he decided he might as well go.

And Janus and Remus didn't give a shit, the two were just bored.

So Virgil sat with Patton in the theater as the others got popcorn and candy.

Logan came back first and handed Patton cotton candy. Patton grinned and gave him a peck on the lips as Logan sat next to him, popcorn for the two to share and more candy for Patton. And of course drinks for the two.

Remus and Janus soon came back, Remus with a handful of basically all the candy at the theater, and Janus with popcorn with butter and salt all over it, and the largest sized cup with two straws.

The two sat down, so now Virgil was in between Remus and Patton.

Roman eventually walked in with candy, two buckets of popcorn, and two drinks.

Virgil was confused on why he had double popcorn and drinks until he walked over to him, handing him a bucket of popcorn and a drink.

"Chocolate?" He asked and Virgil smirked, "Obviously." Roman smiled and handed him a Hershey bar.

Virgil happily took it, he was confused on why Roman would bring him something, but he was fine with it, chocolate's good and he would of course get thirsty.

"Before anything starts does anybody need to go to the restroom?" Logan asked the others. "No." The five replied in unison.

"Are you sure?" He asked again. "We're not five, Logan, we're sure." Remus responded, rolling his eyes.

"Obviously you're not five." Logan muttered with an eyeroll himself.

"Oh, shut up." Remus tossed his popcorn in an attempt to get it on Logan, though since he was on the other side all he did was get salt and some butter in Virgil's hair.

"Dammit Remus!" Virgil stood and smacked the top on his head before striding put of the theater, making his way to the bathroom.

"Maybe Remus shouldn't sit next to Vee." Roman said.

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