Adopting (prinxiety)

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TW: mention of homophobia, my crappy writing and gayness

{Third Person POV}

"Virgil?" "Yes dear?" "You like children right?" Virgil looked at him curiously, "Well I get along with James And Isabella, Dylan gets along with me pretty well. Why?" "I was wondering if you wanted to adopt" Roman said nervously, Virgil grinned and tackled his husband in a hug, "I'd love to!"

"You would?" Virgil pulled away from the hug, "Of course!" Roman smiled, glad that he said yes, "Okay, do you want to go to the adoption agency tomorrow?" "Well if were going tomorrow we better get to sleep now" Virgil said, taking his husband to their room.


"Virgil!" Roman sang, opening the curtains "Ugh...." Virgil sat up and glared at his husband, "Don't you have to call or something?" he asked, getting up and going to Roman, "I did call" "M'kay" "Don't wear any emo make-up" he said, getting clothes for Virgil, "Why not?" Virgil whined, "I don't think their gonna give us a child if you wear racoon make-up" "Good point"

"Are you sure you called?" Virgil asked as they walked in, "Yes I'm sure" "Okay, so can you walk me through it again?" "We're gonna come in here, fill out some forms, like our jobs and stuff, then we'll have a house inspection, then, if the mother likes us, we'll meet with her"

"Okay, got it" They walked over to the front desk and was greeted by a woman with brown hair and glasses, "Hello. What is your appointment name under?" "It's under 'Young'" Roman said.

She typed on her computer and smiled, "Here are your forms, fill it out and if you have any questions just come to me" Virgil smiled at her and the two sat down.

After awhile they heard their name being called, "Okay, we got this" Roman assured him, "Hello Mr. Young" they heard when they walked in "And Mr. Young, how are you two?" The two sat down, "We're doing well" Roman said, "That's good. Now, I would like to ask you a few questions if that's okay" They nodded, "It's fine" Virgil said.

"Okay, now, Do you have any friends or family that have children?" Roman nodded, "My brother, his brother, and a friend of ours" "Okay, How would you raise a girl?" The two looked at the other, confused by the question.

"Sorry, let me clear it up. Would you raise a girl any differently from a boy?" Virgil shook his head, "Okay, now, what are you willing to adopt?" "We don't really care, girl or boy, twins or triplets" Roman said, Virgil nodding.

"That's good to hear. Now, are you religious in any way?" "We go to church so in a way yes"

They continued answering questions until it was time for them to leave, "We'll call to let you know when the inspection is" "Okay, have a nice day" Roman said as they walked out.

"See? It wasn't that bad" Roman said as they got in the car, "Yeah, I guess it wasn't that bad"

"So how was it?" Patton asked, "Well, I think it went pretty well" Roman said, it was now a few days later, "Of course Virgil thi-" he got cut off by his phone ringing. He picked it up and answered, "Hello?" "Hello, is this Mr. Young?" He heard, it sounded like the woman who was at the front desk "Yes, this is Roman Young" "Okay, now, I wanted to tell you when your inspection is" "Let me get a piece of paper" he said, grabbing that and a pen.

"Are you ready?" "Yep" "Okay, someone will be coming over two days from today, at three-thirty" "Okay, thank you" he said, and hung up. "Was that them?" Patton asked, "Yes it was" "Really?! When are they coming?" "Two days from now"


"Are you nervous?" Logan asked as he walked with Virgil downstairs, "No, Logan I'm perfectly fine" he said sarcastically, "Hi Hot Topic" Roman said when he got downstairs, "Hi Princey" "So what's the plan again?" Remus asked from the couch, "It isn't a plan" Roman said, "The agency asked if they could meet all of you, to make sure we weren't lying"

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