Music (Day 4)

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This is gonna be prinxiety

High school au

{Third Person POV}

Roman sat in class, he was bored that's for sure, he wanted to go back to choir but he couldn't, he was stuck in math. "God I hate this class" "Well I hate choir" Roman turned to his brother, "You what!" "I said, I hate choir" he said, putting down his pencil, "I hate singing and you know it, I don't know why your so surprised" "You don't hate Patton" Roman mumbled

"Shut up" "Or what?" Logan turned to him, "Or I'll tell Virgil what you were dreaming about last night, because trust me, I could hear you" he flushed, the dream he had last night wasn't very child friendly, in fact the author can't even come up with it, "Fine" he grumbled, turning back to his worksheet.

After what felt like hours, (twenty minutes) he was allowed to leave, and he wasted no time. Unfortunately nothing went well for the last few minutes. His locker was jammed so that took a good ten minutes, then he couldn't find his homework and that took at least five minutes. And since he took fifteen minutes he had to call his mom, who still had to get off work.

"Well that's just perfect" he said as he looked out the door, it was raining pretty hard and he didn't have an umbrella, he should really listen to Logan more. "He always has to be right doesn't he?" He muttered, sitting against the lockers, "Does who always have to be right?" He looked up and seen Virgil, he was Logan's best, no, only friend, who just so happen to be Roman's crush.

"Logan" Virgil laughed, "Yeah, he always has to correct people" he said, sitting next to him, "So why are you still here?" "I missed the bus" "That sucks. My mom has to pick me up because I have to get bloodwork done" he said, "I can't have anything to eat or drink for now" "That seems worse" "Yeah, it is" he took out his phone and ear buds, "Do you want to listen to some music?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "Sure" Virgil gave him one and pushed play. He listened to it, he liked the sound, the music didn't have any lyrics, it was more of a karaoke version of a song, it sounded familiar. "What song is this?" He asked, turning to Virgil, who had his eyes closed, "Guess" he whispered

Roman listened closely, he knew it was a love song, he just didn't know which one. "Is it... " He listened closely, it sounded sort of sad, "I wish you were gay?" "You wish I were gay? But I already am" Virgil laughed, "But yeah, you got it right"

"Finally got something right" he said, "And no flirting" the next song came on and he recognized it immediately, "I do adore" "Hm?" Virgil said, opening his eyes, "The song, I do adore" "Well I adore you too" Roman flushed, "I said no more flirting" he said, hiding his face.

Virgil laughed, moving his hands, "Awe, poor Princey, he's all flushed" he whispered, "How cute" Roman laughed, "Nuh-uh" he said, shaking his head. He kissed his cheek, "Yuh-huh" he put his hands back over his face, "Virgil..." He whined, "Why'd you do that?" "Why not?"

Roman moved his hands, "Fair enough" he said, smiling, "Another kiss?" He leaned forward and kissed him softly.

"Roman?" Said boy pulled away, "Oh! Hi mom" he waved awkwardly, "Hi"

I know, I know, this was supposed to be posted days ago. I got my phone taken away but I promise I'll update the other chapters.



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