Prinxiety and Logicality part 3

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{No ones POV}
"Oh,Logan!"Patton yelled from his room,"come here!" "Coming!" Logan yelled back getting up from the project he was working on. "What do you need?" "Well, I don't know if you have noticed but it's pretty obvious that Virgil and Roman like each other" Patton said getting up from his bed. "Well, yes while I am no expert on emotions I can tell that they have romantic feelings toward each other" Logan said. "Well I have a plan to get them together"

"Movie night!" Roman yelled from his room,"were watching Beauty and the Beast!" "Oh, Disney like we don't watch that all the time" Virgil said sarcastically. "Yeah, got a problem with that Hot Topic?" Virgil blushed at the old name,"N-no...." 'How are they not already together?' Patton wondered to himself, getting ready to put the plan into action. "Okay well I'm going to go get the candy" Logan said walking out of the room.

"Virgil?" Patton asked "Could you make the popcorn? Your's is the best!" "Yeah Pat, I'll make the popcorn" Virgil said getting up to also go to the kitchen."Great! I'll go get blankets and pillows!" Patton said getting up to go to his room. Roman decided to get everything ready and turn the lights off while he was up, "Ok, everything is ready, just need to put the movie in"

When he was done doing that he went to go help Pat with the blankets," Okay Logan ready to take everything in there?" Virgil asked putting the popcorn in a bowl and seasoning it. "Yes, just let me get the cookies for Patton" "But Patton didn't ask for cookies" Virgil said smirking. Logan immediately started blushing and looked away,"P-perhaps not b-but he does enjoy  c-cookies very m-much" Logan said cursing himself for stuttering Virgil looked him in the eye knowing that Patton has a crush on Logan but not knowing if Logan had a crush on Patton,"Riiiiiiiiiight" Virgil said rolling his eyes.

"Guys!" Roman yelled running into the kitchen, "hurry up I wanna watch the movie!" "Calm down Princy we'll be in there in a second" Virgil said grabbing the bowl. Logan and Virgil walked into the living room only for Virgil to be pushed and the same being done to Roman by Patton causing them to crash into each other and making Virgil fall on top of Roman.

{Virgils POV}

{Romans POV}

{No one's POV}

"" Virgil stuttered trying not to blush but failing. "What's wrong hot topic?" Roman said leaning closer to Virgil who was as red as Roman's sash. "N-nothing" Virgil muttered trying to back away but not being able too. "Now, don't lie to me" Roman whispered leaning even closer. Before Virgil could react Roman was already kissing him softly it only took a few seconds before he kissed back, making the kiss more passionate.

When they finally pulled away from the kiss they were both breathing heavily trying to catch their breath. "So, uh... are we?" Virgil asked "Yes" Roman said cutting him off. They shared one more kiss before getting up and going to the couch and sitting down, not worrying about the popcorn on the floor. About halfway through the movie Patton went into his room soon calling Logan in, leaving Roman and Virgil by themselves. "Bet you 50 bucks their gonna fuck" Roman said turning to Virgil, "Bet that they don't" he said looking back at Roman.

*In Patton's room*

"What do you need Patton?" Logan asked walking into the room. "Well, I have a surprise for you, but you need to close your eyes"(Yeah I know it's been done to death but I'm doing it anyways). "Well alright" Logan said closing his eyes.

He then felt soft lips press against his causing him to open his eyes. When he seen him, he saw Patton with his eyes closed enjoying every moment of the kiss although he was worried that Logan wouldn't like him back. When they pulled away a few seconds later Logan just stared ahead, not even thinking while Patton stood in front of him smiling a little.

Uh oh! Cliffhanger!! Don't worry though I'll update soon but for right now this is all.

See you soon!

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