The Argument (prinxiety)

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TW: arguing, cussing, bad thoughts, self hate, if there is anymore let me know

Virgil and Roman were fighting. No big surprise right? They never get along, after all their polar opposites, but that doesn't mean the words don't hurt.

{Third Person POV}

"ROMAN!" Virgil shouted, he was really getting tired of him, "Thomas shouldn't go to the party! It's storming!" "Your point being!" Roman shouted back. "Oh my god! You are so dense! He could die!!" "What if he didn't!" Roman shouted "Well, what if he did!" Virgil shot back.

They kept arguing like that until Patton and Logan got back, "Virgil! Roman!" Patton shouted over them, they turned their heads, shocked that he had screamed "Sorry kiddos. But why are you arguing?" "To see if Thomas should go to a party" "Isn't there a storm?" Logan asked.

"See?! Logan knows!" Virgil said, gesturing toward Logan "Well duh! He's logic, of course he's going to point out there's a storm!" "He also knows that Thomas could crash!" "Well you don't know that!" Roman said advancing toward Virgil, who stepped back.

"How do you know that I don't?" Virgil said, looking him in the eye. "Ugh! Your so infuriating!" "Should we just leave?" Patton whispered to Logan as the two kept arguing, "Yes, we should. Your room or mine?" "Yours"

As the two sunk out they heard Roman say something that made Virgil silent, "I hate you" Virgil whispered in a hurt voice. He didn't really hate him, he was just hurt. Roman was taken aback by this, "Y-you what?"

{Roman's POV}

"You heard me, I hate you" he repeated, "I... I don't blame you" I whispered and ran upstairs. When I got there I slammed the door and sat down, my knees against my chest, trying not to cry.

He hates you

Yeah, no shit


I-I know...

Probably more than Janus

...N-no, he doesn't hate me

Don't lie to yourself

I'm not lying, lying is wrong

Is it?

I think so....

You can say that he doesn't hate you all you want, but you know he does

And to think, you love him

I do love him...

{Virgil's POV}

Shit, shit, shit! I ran upstairs and knocked on the door, "Roman! Roman are you there?" No answer, "R-ro? Princy? Sir-Sings alot?" I kept trying, "Love?..." I whispered.

Then I remembered, Patton had gave us all keys in case of emergencies! I ran to my room and looked through my drawer and found it, a silver key on a purple string.

{Roman's POV}

I heard running up the stairs and knocks, "Roman! Roman are you there?" It was Virgil. He doesn't care about you, he just wants to make sure Patton doesn't find out. "R-ro? Princy? Sir-Sings alot?" I smiled a little, "Love?..." he whispered, I smiled a little more.

I then heard him run off, so he doesn't care. I told you. That was it, I couldn't hold it any longer, I cried. I cried so much I didn't realize somebody was trying to unlock the door, and that they came in.

"Hey, Ro, it's okay." I looked up and seen Virgil, "Everything is going to be fine" he said, sitting down and hugging me to his chest. This is nice. Yeah, but too bad he doesn't really like you. "Y-your right" I mumbled, getting off, "W-what?" He said, confusion on his face.

"You don't care about me" I whispered, "You just want to make sure Patton doesn't find out. I don't even care about me" he leaned toward me, "Give me one reason why I shouldn't love you" Wait, love? "L-love? Why do you love me?"

"Maybe because your brave and smart and cute and a good singer" he sat on my lap, "And because you don't know how great you really are" "I'm not great..." I muttered. "But you are" he said, leaning his forehead against mine.

Oh shit. I felt myself blush, "C-can we kiss?" I asked, he nodded. I leaned forward and our lips connected, his lips were soft and tasted like licorice as our mouths moved in sync. We pulled away, "And your a good kisser"

This was pretty sad. I'm sorry. Did you like it though? Because I've never really written angst so... (also, does anyone want to be friends because I'm bored)



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