Prinxiety and Logicality Part 2

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Sorry for not posting in awhile but I've been really busy, anyways on with the story!

{Romans POV}

I walked into Logan's room hoping to be able to talk to him. Now, I know what your thinking, "Why didn't I go to Patton?" Well, he's too close to the person so Logan is my next best choice, even if he is a huge nerd."What do you want?" Logan asks not looking up from the book he was reading. "Why do I need something? Can't I just visit my favorite nerd?"

"No, no you can't as you put it 'just visit'" "Well, I am offended that you would say something like that! I'm just gonna leave if you think that!" Logan sighed and put down his book, "It's 'going to' and I don't just think that I know. Now, what do you want?" Roman quickly sat down on Logan's bed dramatically sighing as he did so "I love someone but he hates me! I don't know what to do! Please help!!"

"So, let me get this straight, you have romantic feelings for someone and came to me, logic, who has no idea how to deal with feelings correct?" Roman thought for a second and looked Logan straight(haha straight) in the eye

"Apparently I did if I'm in here. Now, will you help me or not?" "Well I suppose so, but only if you help me with my feelings toward someone" "Deal" Roman said. " Now, who do you like?" Logan said sitting next to Roman on the bed,"and why didn't you ask Patton?" Well you see Patton is-"

"He's not the person you like is he?!" Logan quickly said. "Umm no I was going to say that Patton is friends with the crush so he would tell him but why do you care?" Logan immediately started blushing red "Uh.... Well um... I might just have a slight 'crush' on Patton...." "WHAT?!?!? REALLY?!??!" Roman yelled shocked,

"Why haven't you told him?" Logan looked down, embarrassed at what Roman said."Just continue with what you were saying" he mumbled."Oh right, anyways my crush is Virgil and I don't really know what to do about it" "Well, being the most romantic one out of all of us why don't you just tell him?" Logan asked now over his embarrassment. "See I thought about that but then came to a conclusion: he hates me"

"Well that's the only thing I can think of other than making a romantic gesture but that would reveal that you like him so there is no winning for either of you" Roman sat there, brainstorming about how he maybe could tell Virgil how he feels without embarrassing himself but figured out that Logan was right,"Okay your right but I still need to do something, or maybe..." "What's maybe?" Logan asked looking confused.

"I could just keep it a secret and wait until I'm ready!" "Roman I don't believe that would work out very well for you or Virgil" "Well what are YOU going to do about your crush on Patton?" Roman shot back. (Shots fired🔫)

Logan stayed quiet for a little while before finally answering, "I was actually thinking about doing the same thing" Roman thought even more and then realized something, "Hey, I know what to do now! I'll just flirt with him a little and then make a small romantic gesture telling him how I feel!" Roman ran out of the room, heading to his,"Thanks Logan!" he yelled."Your welcome! I guess..."

So that was pretty short but I'm
kinda running out of ideas. By the way, none of the artwork is mine
hope you have a good night/day


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