Designers (Prinxiety)

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Human au

{Third Person POV}

"That dress is a monstrosity." Virgil said as he reached over for one of his many make-up brushes.

"It is not. Your make-up just doesn't match it." Roman retorted as he added finishing touches to the sky blue ballgown Patton was wearing.

"So you're telling me gold doesn't go with sky blue?" Virgil asked, applying the gold eyeshadow to Patton's eyelid.

"Guys could you no-"

"Don't open your eyes."

"Don't move."

Patton sighed but listened to the two as they finished the make-up and dress.

"Virgil, Roman, is Patton ready yet?" Logan asked as he walked backstage to where the three were.

"Just a second." Roman said as he picked up his scissors.

"Please don't stab Virgil." Logan told him, "I'm cutting the string!" Roman defended.

Logan stared at him for a moment, not fully believing him. "Whatever you say." He says, walking off to check on the other models.

"Okay, no pressure, but this dress spent weeks to design and months to make, so... don't mess up." Roman said as he stood back up, setting his scissors to the side.

"Also," Virgil began, "There's critics. Granted, they're probably paying attention to Princey's outfits and not my make-up as much, if you mess up it may be horrible for both of us."

"Ever heard of "good luck" and "break a leg"?" Patton asked as he slipped on his heels, "Good luck." "Break a leg."

"Gee thanks." Patton muttered as he carefully walked over to the runway entrance.


The show went on as other shows did, Patton twirled and posed and sashayed, looking absolutely stunning as he did so, the people in the audience flashing their cameras for pretty photos that would later be in magazines.

"Y'know, I think you should start designing more comfortable clothes." Patton told Roman as he walked out of the dressing room with the dress in his hands, "I love the designs and all, but it's a little hard to do things with corsets."

"Well the only reason you needed to this time was because I wanted to be historically accurate, and sure, men didn't wear corsets back then, but then they wouldn't fit in with the women models." Roman explained as he picked up his sketchbook, "But sure, I can design more comfortable things for once."

"Ooh! Can I help?" Patton asked excitedly. "Of course!" Roman exclaimed, Patton had helped him with many other designs, so he was sure that he could help this time.

"Hey Vee, you can help too!" Patton called out to the other.

Virgil glanced at Patton through the mirror he was using and raised a brow at the odd suggestion, him and Roman didn't get along well, why would Patton want him to help the two come up with something?

But saying no to most anyone, but especially Patton, is virtually impossible for Virgil.

"Fine. But let me finish my make-up." He said with a sigh as he continued applying his make-up in the vanity mirror.

"Great!" Patton responded and reached over and grabbed a pencil to sketch with Roman and add notes, since his handwriting was much more readable than Roman's.

Virgil continued on with his make-up as Patton and Roman began with the designs, thinking about how odd it was Patton wanted him to join. Sure, Patton and himself got along perfectly, but Roman and himself bickered when together.

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