His girlfriend (prinxiety)

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TW: my crappy writing and gayness

{Third Person POV}

"Can I tell you something?" Roman asked, he was currently sitting on a swing with his best friend, Virgil. "Yeah" He took a deep breath, "I'm bisexual.... and I think I might be genderfluid" "Okay. Can you explain to me what genderfluid means?" Roman smiled, "I'd love to!"


"Virgil, this is Carol. She's my girlfriend" Virgil smiled, "Hi I'm Virgil Butcher" she smiled back, "I'm Carol Willick. I don't mean to be rude, but what are your pronouns?" Virgil smiled again, he liked her, even if she was dating his crush, "He/him is fine, thank you for asking"


"Virgil! Guess what?" "What?" Roman beamed, "Me and Carol are engaged!" Virgil smiled weakly, although he was dieing inside, "Congrats!" "Thank you, Virgil!" Carol said she was sitting with Roman, "Do you want to help me find a dress?" Virgil felt bad, his crush was getting married and his fiànce is the nicest girl he's ever met, "I'd love to"


Virgil was sitting on his couch, reading a book and listening to music when he heard a knock on his door, "That's strange, it's raining outside" he said as he got up and opened it, he was confused to see a soaking wet Roman, "Rom-?" He was cut off by Roman kissing him. "Well that was unexpected," he said when they pulled away, "Care to explain?"


"Virgil?" Virgil turned to him, "Yes love?" Roman smiled, "We've known and dated for a while and I was wondering if you would... Turn around?" Virgil looked at him and turned around, seeing Carol, Susan, Patton, Logan, Janus, and Remus spelling out "Will you marry me?" Virgil turned back around and seen Roman on one knee, "Will you marry me?"

Virgil was now crying happy tears, "Yes! Of course, I will!" Roman slipped the ring onto his finger and Virgil hugged him and they fell over. "Baby, don't cry" "I'm just so happy, it's finally happening" "What's finally happening?" "You love me" Roman wrapped his arms around him, "I've always loved you"


"You may now kiss" Roman pulled Virgil in and gave him a loving kiss. On the night Carol revealed that she is actually a lesbian, and saw how the two looked at each other since that night they had dated. "Thank you, Carol," Virgil said, "I've always loved him" "I could tell," she said, "I always thought it was my imagination. Then I noticed that I liked Susan and realized it wasn't my imagination, your just a chicken"

Virgil laughed, "Well I'm glad we're married now, speaking of which, when is your guy's wedding?" Carol smiled, "Susan and I are thinking about sometime in March" "That's nice," he said, nodding. "Hey, emo" Roman said, holding out his hand, "Wanna dance?" "Why I'd love to," Virgil said, taking it.

"I love you Hot Topic," Roman said as they danced, "Awe, you think I'm hot"

Hope you liked it! I think it turned out better than I thought, especially since it just came to my head.



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