Practice Kissing (prinxiety)

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High school au

{Third Person POV}

"Okay, ready for your date?" Roman asked the other, who shook his head. "No, no I'm not." "What? Why?" "Well what am I supposed to say? What if he wants to kiss me?" He asked, pacing back and forth in Roman's room.

"Kiss him back." He said simply, "But I don't know how!" Virgil admitted, crossing his arms over his chest, "What do you mean?" Roman asked.

He sighed, "As in I've never kissed someone! In all honesty, kissing is weird." Roman thought about that, "Well... yeah, kissing is kinda weird. Also, you've never kissed someone?"

"Never." Virgil said as he sat next to the other on the bed, his arms still crossed. "What if I'm bad at it? What if he doesn't like how I kiss and we don't go on a second date?"

"Well... um, you could practice." Roman suggested a little hesitantly, "How?" Virgil asked, uncrossing his arms and looking over at the other.

"Well... you could try kissing other people." "Mm-hmm.. like who?" He didn't really think about that.

"Remus is here, him and Janus are having a sleepover." Virgil scrunched his nose at the thought of kissing Roman's brother, or his best friend. "Yeah, no." "Yeah, fair. Um.. I guess there's nobody else."

"Yeah, I gu- Wait a minute, what about you?" Roman looked over at him, feeling his face turn pink, "Oh, right. Well I guess I could help you. If you want, obviously."

Virgil shrugged, "It's fine by me. What about you?" Roman nodded excitedly but realized it would be weird if he seemed excited, so he slowed his nodding. "Yeah, that's fine."

"Okay, so um, shut your eyes and kinda.." He took both of his hands and set them on the sides of Virgil's face, tilting his head slightly to the right. "There."

Oh wow, I'm actually doing this. He thought as he prepared to kiss the boy in front of him.

"Any time now Princey." Virgil said, his eyes still shut.

His mind raced as he leaned in but when their lips connected they all just-


Yes it was a cliche but that's what it really felt like, that everything just stopped, it was amazing. After a few seconds he felt Virgil kiss him back and... wow.

Had he really never kissed someone?

Because it seemed like he knew exactly what he was doing. Well, to Roman it did.

"Hey, Ro- God, really?!"

Roman quickly pulled away, glaring at his brother, "What do you want?" He asked, "Ugh, nevermind, go back to your make out session with the emo."

"It's not a make out session! We were practicing!" He yelled to him as Remus walked back to his own room. "Yeah, sure it was!" He yelled back, and Roman then heard a door slam, signalling Remus had shut his door and Roman would have to convince him that they were practicing.

He looked back over at Virgil, who opened his eyes after a few seconds of having them shut. He glanced at the other worriedly, "So, was it bad? I'm sorry if it was."

"No, it was fine." He told him, thinking about the euphoric feeling he had only a few minutes ago. "Are you sure?" He asked, "I'm sure, it was fine. Now, you should probably go so you're not late."

"Oh, right. I have a date." He got off the bed and grabbed his jacket and walked out the open door, shutting it behind him.


It was the end of Virgil's date and it was going well, the two were standing outside his front door.

"S-" he cut himself off as his date, or Justin, cupped the right side of his face. He smiled before talking again, "So.. Now what?"

"Well... can I kiss you?" He asked. Virgil hesitated for a second, not exactly knowing what to say. "Uh, yeah, sure." He said after a mini debate in his head.

He soon felt a pair of lips meet his own, but... something didn't sit right. But he kissed back and soon later he pulled away, "I have to go inside now. Um, bye." He said as he opened the door, "Okay, bye."

He waved and walked inside, shutting the door behind him.


"So, how was your date?" Roman asked from the other side of the phone. Virgil sighed, mulling over his date, "It was good... until the end." "Well what happened at the end?"

"Well we kissed, but... something felt off." "Hm?" "Yeah, I just- it felt different." "Vee, you've only kissed two people. Me, and Justin."

"Yeah, I know. But it wasn't the same as kissing yo..." He trailed off, realizing something.

"Vee?" He didn't hear a response. "Emo?" Still nothing. "Virgil?"

"Yeah, sorry. Um, hey can I come over?" "Oh, yeah, sure. See you soon."
Virgil hung up and got off his bed, grabbing his shoes and slipping them on, "I'll be back soon Mom!" He yelled out, "Okay dear! Be back soon!" "I will!"

He shut the door and sprinted down the sidewalk.

Roman stared at his phone in confusion, trying to process what had happened while he was talking to his friend.

A few minutes later he heard a knock on his bedroom door and stood up, opening it. "Oh, hi V-" he got cut off by Virgil connecting their lips.

He felt the same feeling he felt earlier that night and smiled, although before he could kiss back the other pulled away. "Oh my.. I shouldn't have done that. Is it okay if I do?"

Instead of a verbal response Roman leaned forward, pressing his lips to the other's. "It's fine." He reassured, Virgil smiling at him, "Okay."

952 words

Yeah, I saw a promt for something like this, so here you go.

Also, sorry if it's taking too long for another part for 'Stupid Feelings...', I haven't really been motivated to write much of anything recently. Along with no ideas when I do have motivation.



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