First Kiss (prinxiety)

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High school au

{Third Person POV}

"This was nice." Virgil told Roman as they walked to his yard, sitting on the bench on the porch, "Glad you think so." Roman said, sitting next to him. "Well I shouldn't be surprised you plan good dates."

"Why?" "Because you're a hopeless romantic." Roman gasped dramatically, putting his hand over his chest in fake offence, "I am not a hopeless romantic!" "You're romantic." He grinned, "Aw, thank you." He said, wrapping his arms around the other, pulling him close, "Yeah, whatever." Virgil mumbled, his face a light pink.

"Ugh! Why aren't they kissing yet?" Remus asked, looking out the window to the front porch, "Shut up, maybe that'll help." Janus said from next to him, "Janus! Be nice!" Patton scolded, Remus smirking, "Yeah Janus, be nice."

Janus smacked the back of his head, his forehead hitting the window, "Ow! Bitch!" "Remus, stop cussing." Logan said calmly from the chair.

"Technically, it's not cussing, it's the real name for a female dog." Logan glared at him, "He has a point." Janus said, not looking away from the window.

He sighed, "I know."

Roman and Virgil were now basically cuddling. Roman leaning back while Virgil had the back of his head against his chest, Roman running his fingers through his purple hair. "Now what?" Virgil asked, "Hm?" Roman hummed, stopping what he was doing, "What do you want to do now?"

"I dunno, but I am getting tired." "You can go home if you want." "Aw, and not get a kiss before I leave?" Roman teased, the other turning red. "Shut up Princey." He mumbled, hiding his face with his hoodie.

"Yeah, yeah." He stood up, the other not sitting regularly on the bench, leaning down Roman kissed him gently, it was short, so he pulled away soon. "See you at school." He said before turning and walking away.

"Finally!" Remus yelled, although he yelled it a little too loudly and Virgil turned, seeing his friends through the window.

"He seems mad." Janus commented as he watched Virgil yelle at them, although the yells were muffled, "Probably."

350 words

Not how I imagined it to go, but I still like it.



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