Fluff tober/ Touch

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Okay, so, I have to write this fast so it gets out on time because I just seen this and started writing so day 1.

Human au

{Third Person POV}

Virgil felt, well... he wasn't really sure. He missed his boyfriend, he was away at some work-related place, he didn't remember where. But he missed him, he felt alone in their house, it felt empty without his fun, upbeat attitude to balance out his gloomy, emo attitude.

He missed him. He missed his eyes that lit up everytime he seen Virgil, he missed his hair that was so soft when you touched it, and super curly when he got out of the shower. He missed the way he would rub his back when he couldn't get to sleep.

He missed his touch.

Virgil eventually fell asleep, listening to music to help.

Roman wasn't doing too good either. He missed his emo, he missed his touch. He missed putting on his make-up. He missed wearing his jackets when it was cold.

He missed him.

He wanted to go back home right then and there, but he couldn't. He would have to wait until morning to see his emo nightmare.

He did get to sleep though, listening to Disney through the headphones Virgil got him.


Virgil woke up the next morning, expecting the curtains to be opened.

Then he remembered.

Roman was still gone.

"At least he's coming back today" he said as he opened them himself, "I miss him" he went to the kitchen and made himself some breakfast. He had all day for Roman to come back, which disappointed him, but it would be worth it when Patton picked him up and dropped him off.

It was now later in the day, Virgil was watching The Little Mermaid he felt kinda tired, but he wanted to be awake when Roman came.

He failed.

He soon fell asleep when Ursula turned back to her true form.

Roman walked in their house and seen Virgil asleep on the couch as Ariel and Eric got married. "Hey emo" he whispered, kissing his forehead, Virgil opened his eyes, "Finally" he said, pulling him down, "I've missed you" he said, wrapping his arms around his waist.

"I've missed you more" "That's not possible" Virgil said, kissing him, "It must be because I've missed you more" Roman said as they pulled away.

They continued laying there, exchanging soft kisses and "I love you's" until they finally went to bed, both of them missing the other.

Virgil laid down on his stomach, letting Roman rub his back softly. Virgil smiled, he liked this.

He liked his touch.

Sorry if that was too short it was only like 400 something words but I do like how it turned out. I'll try to do one everyday but if I miss a day I will upload two on that day to make up for it.



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