Ink (Day 2)

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What does that mean? Does it mean a drawing or something? I'm gonna assume it does so this is gonna be prinxiety.

Human au

{Third Person POV}

Virgil sat at his kitchen table, looking at his friends, he was trying to make a drawing of all of them, which was turning out pretty good. But a certain someone kept moving.

"Roman if you don't sit still I will tie you to that chair" he said, glaring at him, "Kinky~" Remus said, Virgil glared at him, "Don't start" "When did I stop?" He sighed, he was really getting tired of this, "Roman just sit still" "I don't understand why it matters, it's a sketch, what's it gonna matter?" "It's a sketch now but I'm going to outline it with ink when I'm done so just hold still"

"Fine" he said, sitting down, Virgil worked for a few minutes, until Roman started moving again. "Can you really not sit still?" Virgil asked, standing up, "Everyone go to the living room" he said, everyone getting up, "Except you Roman" Roman sat back down.

"I swear your gonna be the death of me" he said, kissing him on the cheek, "Do you really want them to find out?" Roman shook his head, "No, but I want to cuddle with you" he said, picking up the smaller one and putting him on his lap. "Fine, but I at least have to outline this" he said, grabbing his sketchbook.

They sat there, talking while Virgil outlined his drawing, "Okay, let me draw you now" he said, facing him. He did his head, then started on his hair, then to his eyes, "Crap" he said, erasing the eye, "What's wrong?" "I messed up" Virgil said, drawing it again, "There. Got it right now" he said, drawing the rest.

He let Roman outline it, telling him to be careful to not mess up, when he was done Virgil grinned, "You did good, especially since you've never done it before" he said, taking his sketchbook back, "Now, we should let the others come back, they probably think I killed you" "One more kiss first" Virgil rolled his eyes and kissed him, "There. Now, go get the others, it's almost time for dinner"


This is while they were alone.

"Is it just me or would they be a cute couple?" Patton asked, turning on the T.V. "No, they would defiantly be a cute couple" Janus said, "Yeah, there's defiantly some chemistry" Remus chimed in. "Are you guys serious?" Logan asked, "It's so obvious" they stared at him, "Their dating in secret"

"Ya think so?" Remus asked, Logan sighed, "Yes, I'm sure. They always call each other those ridiculous names and seem to always want to be alone, just like now" "Huh, your right" Patton said, "But if their dating in secret it's probably for a good reason" "Yeah, probably" Janus agreed.

That was pretty short, sorry. But it seems that when I make them short I like them more. It's weird.



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