Borders (Logicality)

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TW: mentions of being broken up, bickering, and slight cussing

I remember watching an episode of Bunk'd (Amazing show btw, highly recommend.) and I decided that the Canadian border person and American border person remind me of one of my favorite ships!

So I decided to make this.

Have fun, I guess.

Human au and kind of high school au

{Third Person POV}

"Roman, I'm pretty sure we're lost." Virgil told the other, who rolled his eyes, "I seriously doubt that Virgil. I've been in these woods a million times-"

"Five times."

"More than you." Janus chimed in, "And point is, I know where we are." Roman continued, "Really?" Virgil asked, stopping where he was and crossing his arms over his chest, "Then where are we?"

"Oh! We're in... the part of the woods where.." Roman looked around but noticed something, it looked like a wooden booth type thing, like ones you would see at a carnival, y'know, where you try to win a comically large stuffed bear only to loose and waste your money on that one thing.

Yeah, it kinda reminded him of those.

He walked forward and the others, while confused, followed him.

"Where are we going?" Remus asked, he had been unsually quiet for most of the hike.

"I have no idea." Janus muttered.

"There seems to be a person at that booth thing, so whatever's going on in his small mind is probably dumb." Virgil said and Roman rolled his eyes, "For your information, I'm asking whoever's there for directions."

"Nice. Admitting that we're lost." Janus said sarcastically.

"Shut up." Roman told him, the group arriving at the booth and knocking on the glass.

Whoever was in said booth got shocked but grinned widely when seeing the group of high-schoolers.

"Hi!" He said as he walked up to them. He was wearing a tan button up shirt with a badge and patches on the sleeves, along with matching brim hat, his round glasses taking up most of his face.

"Hello, I'm Roman Kelly, son of Maryanne and Jason Kelly." Roman said proudly, holding his hand out for the other.

"Well I'm not sure why your telling me that, but I'm Patton Lafitte, Canada border guard." He said with excitement, shaking Roman's hand.

"Have you never heard of my parents?" Roman asked, ignoring almost everything else he said.

"Nope!" He said, popping the "P", "Maryanne Correll Kelly? You've never heard of her?" He shook his head and Roman turned to the others, disbelief all over his face.

"She's the top fashion designer in the U.S.!"

"Roman, stop talking about your mom! We're in Canada!" Janus shouted at him.

"Oh... oh! Whoops, can you show us where Camp Kikiwaka is?" Roman asked, showing him the map he had been carrying all throughout their hike. (But couldn't really understand, but he wouldn't admit that.)

"Oh, you'll want to talk to that Yahoo in the other booth." Patton pointed over to a similar booth diagonally across from his own.

"Hey Logan!"

The booth opened and they seen another man stand in the doorway of it, he was wearing a navy blue button up, along with a matching tie. Much like Patton he had glasses, although they were black and had more of a square shape, he also had on a hat, although it was a baseball cap, a logo for America border control on both it and sleeves of his shirt.

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