Roses (Prinxiety)

246 7 5

TW: Cussing

Coffee shop/florist au

{Third Person POV}

Virgil wrote the date neatly on the chalkboard by the counter, February tenth, four days before Valentine's Day, and he drew a few hearts around the words with pink chalk he had found in the back before standing up to look at it.

He figured it looked alright and heard the door opening, the light jingle of the bell signaling the entrance of a familiar florist just across the street.

"Good morning Emo," he said as he strolled over to the counter, Virgil sighing and walking behind it. "'Morning Ro. What do you want?"

"Nothing. Just wanted to give you something." Virgil curiously looked up from where he was ready to take the other's order. Roman smiled and pulled out a rose from his apron pocket, the crimson petals swirling around the center as he handed it to the other.

Virgil timidly touched the stem before realizing there were no thorns, taking it and twirling it around his fingers. "Is it fake?"

Roman snorted inelegantly, Virgil realising the stupidity of his question and mentally face palming when Roman spoke. "No, it's not fake."

"Yeah, I know. I don't even know why I asked that, it was stupid." He held the rose and used his other hand to caress the soft petals.

"It's really pretty." He commented, Roman humming as he watched the other's smiling face, lipstick covered lips quirking into a contented smile.

"Well you seem to really like it." Virgil nodded, still holding the rose, "I'm not around flowers a lot."

"Why? Do you kill them?" Roman asked with a teasing smile, Virgil smacking him lightly. "Shut up, I don't kill them."

"You sure? Because you dress so gloomy I'm sure flowers wilt at the sight of you. Like some witch." Roman said, already painting the picture of Virgil walking through a garden with colorful flowers, only for them to die.

"I'm not a witch." Virgil deadpanned, Roman smiling. "That's what a witch would say~" He sang, Virgil rolling his eyes.

There was a moment of silence, Virgil still lovingly gazing at the flower, Roman staring at his smile as he did, leaning against the counter with his elbows propped, chin resting on his folded hands.

Then the bell rang.


Roman shot up, Virgil jumping at the voice and the stomping of boots.

"Get your ass across the street, we have jacarandá bonsais to put away and you're flirting with Virgil!" Remus gestured over to Virgil, who had found a spare glass to put the rose in for now, before adding. "Again."

Virgil's face reddened at the implication but he didn't say anything, instead walking to the back to pour water into the glass.

Roman groaned, "I'm not flirting! And it's not even seven yet!"

"Still, I wanna get it done. It's like there's a hurricane of those damn jacarandás, and I'm not gonna put them away myself while you're over here being gay-"

Roman slapped his hand over his brother's mouth, "Shut up! I haven't told him I'm gay."

Remus raised an unamused brow, licking Roman's hand. And while Roman groaned about how gross he was and wiped his hand on his apron he spoke, "How subtle do you think you are? No straight guy just brings the batista across the street a red rose four days before Valentine's."

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