Curly Hair (Prinxiety)

153 6 3

TW: One cuss word

Human au

{Third Person POV}

Rising sunlight flooded through curtain covered windows, pinks and oranges and yellows blending together in a beautiful gradient of warm colors.

The light shined all throughout the room, reflecting off of the mirror by the door and the hanging suncatcher just a few inches away from the window.

Though the sunlight was settled on a certain Hispanic man, his dark brown hair poofed up around him as he slept next to the relatively paler man cuddled up to him, his much flatter hair spread out much more elegantly than the other's.

It was peaceful. The only real noises in the room the slow, steady breathing from the two sleeping figures and the occasional chirping from a bird from just outside, where the sun was still rising up.

Though the tranquility was quickly ruined, a loud and shrill alarm emitting from the phone on one of the bedside tables.

Roman groaned and wriggled himself away from the padlock grip his sleeping husband had on him, turning over and turning off the alarm.

He laid there for a moment, on his side and eyes shut before he opened them again, going to stand and start on his morning routine.

Though familiar arms wrapped around him and pulled him back down, and Roman sighed.

"Vee, I gotta get up." He complained to the other, who shook his head. "No... stay with me." Virgil's eyes opened up to look at Roman's and Roman groaned, "Fine. But just for a few minutes."

Virgil smiled in satisfaction and once again cuddled up to the other, shutting his eyes to go back to sleep.

Roman smiled as well and rolled over, pulling Virgil even closer before shutting his own eyes, silently promising himself that he'd just stay in bed for a few minutes before getting up.

Though as Virgil fell back asleep Roman's promise was broken and he went back to his peaceful slumber.

And as the minutes turned to hours Roman's promise faded farther and farther away and into his wonderland of a dream.

And everything was peaceful again.


Virgil woke up a few hours later, and when he did he was pleasantly surprised to see that his husband was still in bed, fast asleep and laying on his stomach, their shared blanket almost completely covering him, his hand and face the only thing Virgil could really see of the other.

He had completely forgotten about convincing the other to sleep in, but he was still happy he had stayed, as he always woke up early in the morning.

Virgil never really knew why, he didn't like waking up early, he just always had, even when the two were dating and they spent the night at one or another's house, Roman was always up and about. And by the time Virgil was awake Roman was fully dressed and had made the two breakfast.

He had been doing it for years, and now maybe Virgil could return the favor.

So, he carefully got out of bed and made his way to the kitchen to go make his sleeping husband breakfast.

But first he had to have coffee.

And once he did he immediately got to work, taking out ingredients and mixing bowls while his partner slept soundly.

And once Virgil had began flipping the crêpes he was making onto plates did he hear faint footsteps making their way to where Virgil was.

"Good morning," he greeted, focusing on putting the correct amount of batter into the pan as Roman sat at the table.

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